syndicate II : chapter twenty one

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Yall better comment, or ill swing, nah I kid but I pout in a corner thanks (maddie I'm looking at you)

40+ comments pls ty


"Code Red, we've gotta get you out of Alaska." Ashton said, Reece sighing in to the phone. "I think the best place to bring you would be New York."

"What? No, not there," Reece said, shaking his head, things were not bad enough to go to New York, "the bunker isn't even done yet Ash, and we don't need to go there yet."

"No it's finished, I made sure to speed up the build for you and Luke, you have a kid now you need to keep her safe." Ashton said making Reece shake his head.

"No, get us plane tickets to Tokyo, were not going to the bunker Ash." He said finally, the bunker was cold and big and lonely, it was made out of concrete and steel, no place for a child to grow up in, they'd never see the outside world again if they went there. Reece couldn't take the chance of Luke hating him for that decision.

The two of them hung up and Reece sighed, they'd gone six months here in Alaska (since Luke had had his freak out) without any troubles and life was good. Charlotte was eight months old now and Luke was six months pregnant with their second child.

Reece left the bedroom and went back to the living room where Luke was helping Charlotte stand on her feet as she grabbed on to the sofa tightly with her tiny fingers. Reece moved around the sofa and sat down beside Luke, he picked up Char's favourite toy, a rabbit and squeezed it, making it squeak. Char heard the sound and turned around, falling over and grabbing the rabbit. Luke giggled and picked her up, placing his daughter on his lap and kissing her head. "What a cutie."

Reece squeezed the teddy in Char's hand, squeaking it again before looking at Luke, "we've been found." He said softly.

Luke nodded solemnly, "okay, I'll start packing."

Before Reece could protest, Luke handed Charlotte over to Reece and stood up, holding his stomach as he did. He disappeared in to the bedroom leaving Reece with his daughter, he looked down at her, soft blond curls all over the place. Reece smiled softly and pushed the curls from her eyes, making her giggle and grab at her fathers hand.

"You're such a big girl now baby." Reece said proudly, "eight months old already, and so pretty too." He leant forward and kissed her forehead, he had such an undying love for his daughter, she was everything he'd ever wanted in a family.

Reece then stood up, holding Charlotte on his hip and walking towards the bedroom, seeing Luke was already folding up baby clothes and packing them away in their suitcase. "Luke we don't have to do that right now, we'll leave tonight, and I can do it."

"No it's fine." Luke glanced up with a smile, then went back to packing, dismissing Reece entirely.

Reece huffed, "are you sure?"


Reece set Charlotte down on their bed, "Luke." He said slowly, moving around the bed and taking Luke's hands and bringing them to his chest, making Luke look at him with tired blue eyes. "I will pack."

"Fine." Luke sighed, "I need a nap."

"Then you nap." Reece lofted Luke's hands and kissed each hand, "I will look after Charlotte—"

"No I need a cuddle from her." Luke said, "if we nap on the sofa, can you pack?"

Reece nodded, "of course I can." He leant sown and pecked Luke on the mouth softly. "I love you okay?"

Luke nodded slowly, "I know, I love you too."
That night, the family were on their way to the small airfield, baby Charlotte was clinging to her father, the blond holding her close in the freezing weather.

Reece was driving them in their cheap pick up that they'd brought a few months ago, after they'd left it would be sold in the town again to another owner. The person meeting them at the airfield was a local pilot who Reece was paying off to fly them off to Japan.

When they arrived at the airfield it was gone two am and Reece's old private jet was sitting there, it brought a smile to his face. Reece helped Luke out of the car as the pilot came towards them and got their bags.

"Hi." Luke said to the pilot, "thank you for doing this."

The pilot, an older man with a greying beard, named Steven, he grinned, "it's alright kid."

"It's been a while since someone has called me kid." Luke smiled, holding Charlotte closer to his body for warmth.

"Anyone younger than me is a kid." He grinned, walking the couple to the plane. "It's an impressive plane this is." He said, Reece looking back at him and nodding. "It's yours? You've gotta only be twenty five."

"I'm twenty eight actually, nearly twenty nine." Reece said, "and I use to be a very good business man."

"Use to be?"

"I left." Reece said, his eyes glancing at his husband and daughter and the protruding pregnant stomach. They got on to the plane, Luke keeping Charlotte on his lap and putting on his seatbelt, Reece sitting opposite him.

Steven went to the cockpit after shutting the door of the plane. A few minutes later the plane started to move and Luke looked at his husband, "Is Japan a good idea?" Luke questioned, "you have old associates, who tried to kill me, and you killed, remember?"

"I remember." Reece said, "they haven't been active since, and Japan is safe for us."

Luke nodded, lying his head back and sighing, he felt Charlotte shift in his lap and looked down to see she was already fast asleep against his chest. He little girl was perfect.

When they arrived at their new home in Japan, a large penthouse in the city, the first thing Luke did was go to the bedroom to see a cot, putting Charlotte down to sleep—the little girl slept for hours on end, she could sleep through an earthquake.

Reece talked to the owner of the building for a few minutes before he said goodbye and entered the apartment, locking and booting the front door behind him. He went to the bedroom where Luke was already curled up in bed and ready to fall asleep.

Reece stripped off his clothes and climbed in to bed beside Luke, pulling him in close and feeling across his stretched skin on his stomach. Luke sighed and nuzzles in to his husband, "we should learn some Japanese for the birth." Luke said quietly.

"Good idea," Reece said, "Watashi wa nihongo o manabu hitsuyō ga aru."

Luke snorted, slapping Reece's stomach, "what did you just say?"

"I said I need to learn some Japanese, what do you thing?" Reece teased.

"You need to brush up on it." Luke smiled, leaning up and kissing Reece softly, "I love you."

Reece patted Luke's stomach, "I love you too."


idk if that Japanese is accurate bc I used translate and it never is accurate, I'll try and update some more, if not maddie can yell at me

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