syndicate Ⅱ : chapter fifteen

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Short ish chapter, sorry guys :(( 20+ comments pls


Michael was at home now, a few days after his slight breakdown at the office. He had a beer in his hand as he watched TV, then a knock at the front door of his home made him stand up. He pulled open the front door and saw Calum standing there.

Calum gave him a small smile, "can I come in?"

Michael stepped to the side and said nothing, letting him in. They went to the sofa, Calum starting first, "I don't want us to break up, but you can't make me quit either."

Michael stayed quiet, not knowing what to say, he already said what he wanted to before at the office. His phone then buzzed on the coffee table and he moved to pick it up, he saw the unsaved number that was Luke before swiping it. He looked at the photograph Luke had sent of him and his daughter sitting in a bed, Luke grinning at the camera. Michael smiled, and Calum saw the smile on his face and glanced at the phone, but he couldn't see what was on it.

"What is it?" Calum asked.

Michael handed his phone to Calum, letting him see the photo of Luke and the baby. Michael then spoke, "this is why I'm done helping them, I need to protect Luke and his baby, I couldn't give a rats ass about Reece but if that baby loses its parents I'll raise hell."

Calum nodded, "I'm sorry," he said, "I'll help hide Luke if I have to, but I will never ever help Reece." Calum said, "I went through too much to help that monster."

Michael nodded wordlessly, "I get that, I only care about Luke anyway."

Calum gulped, "did you love Luke? Romantically?" Calum questioned.

"No." Michael said, "I mean, I liked him once, but it didn't last long, but we kissed once at New Years." He admitted, telling Calum the complete extent of what had happened between him and Luke. "He helped me get through break-ups when they realised they'd never get sex."

Calum looked at Michael's side profile and frowned, before he reached forward and took Mike's hand, "I don't care about sex, I don't care about our job, I only care about you." Calum said, which made Michael turn his head towards him. Calum then moved in slowly and kissed him on the mouth, their eyes closing as their kiss was slow and soft and simple. Calum pulled away first, smiling, "I love you Mike and I want you to be happy."

Michael nodded, "I can't be happy if my boyfriend is the one trying to put my best friend into prison, Luke has a baby now, we can't keep doing this."

"I'll quit then." Calum said, "I probably should've done it when I came back home from Ashton, I should never have joined the CIA." He sighed, running his hand across his cheek as he looked at Michael fondly.

Michael snorted, "damn right, Luke told me about you, he said you seemed too shaken up to join us," he then stood up, "look I'm tired, do you want to come to bed?"

Calum stood, "I wouldn't want anything else."


Luke, Reece and the baby were at the airport, waiting for their flight to Alaska. Luke had a hand on their daughters back and one on the back of her head as he held her to his chest, "so what should we name her?" Luke asked, nudging Reece.

Reece shrugged as he looked down at their little girl, "we can think of something soon I guess."

Luke rolled his eyes, "We can't just keep calling her baby, Reece." He said, shifting her in his arms so Reece could see her small face. "It looks weird to everyone else."

"Mary." Reece said, "I don't know, I suck at names."

Luke paused for a moment and tried to think of a name, he looked down at his daughter and then to Reece, "what about Charlotte?"

Reece let a large smile stretch across his face, looking at Luke, "Yeah okay," he leant forward and kissed Luke before kissing baby Char's forehead.

Luke the shifted his hand under Char's bum, "oh god she just pooped again, she poos so god damn much."

Reece chuckled, "I'll take her." He said, picking her up from Luke's arms. He then picked up the bag of baby things, "I'll be back in a few." He said and left Luke going to the bathrooms. He saw the baby changer and pulled it down before placing her down on the table. "Hey baby girl, we're gonna change that stinky nappy of yours and then we're gonna get on a cool thing called a plane," Reece cooed at her, taking off her old nappy, "which is basically a death trap that flies but whatever." He quickly threw away the old nappy and then slipped on a new one, hearing the bathroom door open behind him.

He glanced at the man who entered before going back to baby Char and doing up her buttons again. He heard the footsteps of the man stop behind him and turned around, "yes? What can I do for you?"

The man then lunges for Reece, grabbing at his shoulders and the two fell to the floor, Reece gasping. The man growled at him, Reece's elbow coming up and hitting him in the jaw, rolling them over so he was on top, and he started punching the man. He heard baby Char crying loudly, as he wrapped his hands around the man's throat, "you made her cry." Reece said roughly before he felt the man knee him in the side, and Reece fell before they were both standing. Reece charged at him, pressing him against the wall, "who are you? Who else is here?"

The man smirked, "there are agents all over this airport, they're gonna find you and take you in." He said, and Reece snapped before he grabbed the man's head and twisted till he heard his neck snap, the man slumping down to the floor.

Reece took a step back and panted heavily, then grabbed the guy by his shirt, dragging him into a cubicle, shutting the door behind him. He picked up the baby bag and Charlotte before going back to Luke, seeing everyone was standing and getting ready to board.

"Quick, they're here," Reece said quickly, Luke nodding and moving forward to the front of the line. They got on to the plane, Luke finding his seat and going to the window, he took Charlotte from Reece and held her close to his chest, closing his eyes tightly and taking in deep slow breaths to calm his erratic heart.

Reece stared at Luke, his hand on Charlotte's back, "Luke look at me." He said and when the blond didn't, he cupped Luke's face, "breathe, calm down, you need to keep calm."

Luke let out a small sob and pressed his face against Charlotte's, "we can't keep doing this." Luke whimpered, "I can't do this to her constantly."

"Look were going to Alaska next, a nice little place in the middle of nowhere, where our daughter can grow up." Reece said, and his last words made Luke look at him.

Luke felt tears slip down his cheeks, "you're too hopeful." He said quietly, kissing Char's head.

"Someone gotta be, baby." He leant forward and pressed his mouth to Luke's, "I love you both, so much, believe that."

Luke nodded silently, before saying, "I know, I love you too."



Malum?  Ruke?

Someone attacking Reece while with baby Char?

Do y'all like her name? I thought it would suit her

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