syndicate II : epilogue

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ty for reading, this is the epilogue, enjoy


Luke had moved to Melbourne two weeks after the Lawyer had been by. Michael and Ashton had come to help him move in, along with Ashton recruiting some of his men to help.

When they pulled up outside of the house, Luke smiled at the big family house, it was even more perfect in real life. Luke got out of the car and helped the kids from their car seats, setting them on the ground. Luke took the keys he had for the house from his pockets and they walked up the pathway. Luke looked down at the kiss and he put the key in the door, "ready kids?"

"Ready!" Mason yelled making Luke laugh as he unlocked the door and opened it. The house was completely empty except for the newly painted walls—Luke had hired someone to come and decorate for them beforehand.

Luke stepped in to the house, Michael coming in behind him. "It's nice." Mike said, Luke glancing out the door to see Ashton yelling orders to the men he had and the truck full of furniture.

"It is." Luke said, seeing the kids run around the empty house. "Kids!" Luke yelled as he walked towards the glass doors that lead to the back garden. The kids came running as Luke unlocked the door and opened the doors out.

"A treehouse!" Charlotte said with a grin as the kids ran up to the large tree, going up the ladder to the treehouse.

Luke smiled as the kids enjoying themselves, this is what Reece wanted, his kids to have a treehouse, they would just have to have the very one Reece and Charlotte use to play in as young kids.

Luke felt someone touch his back, making him glance at Ashton. "I use to play in that treehouse." Ashton smiled softly, "they're gonna love it."

"I should probably have someone come see if it's even safe for them, and give it a lick of paint." Luke sighed, glancing back in the house to see people bringing in some boxes.

"I could, I don't mind." Ashton offered, "I'll be here until you three get settled in."

Luke smiled, "thank you."

Oli then stepped outside, smiling at the two of them, he had his arm in a sling as he'd been shot in his shoulder by Calum. "The guys wanna know where stuff is going." Oli said.

"Oh, could you look after the kids while I get it done?" Luke asked Oli.

Oli nodded, "sure thing."

Luke and Ashton headed inside the house and Luke set in to his designer mode, telling people exactly where things had to go. Luke stood by a box of things, so he ripped off the tape, pulling it open. The thing at the very top and staring right at him was the photograph of Reece, Charlotte and Luke.

Luke picked it up, wiping away the small amount of dust it had created before he placed it on the fire place in the living room. Luke looked at it and smiled, it would sit there and stay, Luke wouldn't ever want to change it.

Once Luke knew everyone knew what they were doing he headed upstairs to a bedroom. He looked at the door which had the name 'Grace' on it in painting lilac lettering. He smiled and opened the door, seeing that the Designer he'd hired and done everything he'd wanted for his unborn daughters room. Luke was almost six months pregnant now at this point.

Luke looked around the room, seeing the cot was ready with white bedding, a small tee-pee for his daughter to play in one day, along with cute drawers to hold all her toys and clothes. There was a large window that lit up the room, making everything feel like it was glowing.

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