syndicate : chapter five

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Thank you for all the comments and feedback and the 2k reads *sobs* I'd like to thank my mom and dad for conceiving me in the back of their car

I kid

*whispers* Rita fancies my dad bc his beard *hides away*


Luke, Liv and Michael sat in the hotel room they had gotten ready in for the horse race. They had beer and wine and room service, as they lay on the bed talking about random stuff.

"You were a natural today." Michael said, regarding Luke and his performance with Reece.

"I was just acting," Luke shrugged, "y'know, I failed drama at high school, aced just about everything else though."

Liv laughed softly, "could've fooled me."

"That's the point, besides Reece isn't half bad looks wise." Luke shrugged, throwing a grape in to the air and catching it with his mouth.

"Definitely, except he's a murderer and an idiot." Michael said, "and he's kind of a psycho."

"What did he do?" Luke asked, genuinely curious, he had to know what he was getting himself in to anyhow.

"His dad use to deal in arms dealing and selling illegally and transporting them and that kind of thing. He was a dangerous man and then we caught wind that his son had come of age, and joined the operation. I guess Reece wanted more power so he killed his dad. Reece then branched out in to drug smuggling as well as other things that we don't know full details of yet. He killed people to get to the top and now he's the fourth most wanted man in the world."

Luke pursed his lips, "today he seemed like any other guy. He brought me a drink and complimented me. I guess psychopaths change their personality quickly to fit in to a situation." He said, shoving two grapes in to his mouth and licking his lips.

"Luke you're a pretty boy, he'll go soft for you." Michael said.

"What if he hurts me? Or kills me? What if I'm compromised?" Luke said, sitting up on the bed and standing. He grabbed the champagne from the bucket of ice and popped it open, he took a long swig. "This shit is resting on me. It's up to my sex appeal to seduce Reece and finding out what he's planning as well as sneaking around to get you guys information. I could die and my mum--if I die, tell my mum I love her." Luke said, turning to his two friends.

"Are you dumb?"

Luke blinked, "no."

"Clearly if you're saying this shit." Michael said, rolling his eyes. "You're a dipshit Hemmings."

Luke sighed, "I know."

"Besides if you're compromised, you'll be pulled out from undercover as quickly as possible and if you die--well if you die we have more reason to arrest Grean." Michael said, holding his hand for the champagne bottle.

Luke handed it over, "that's not very comforting."

Liv got off the bed and pulled Luke in for a tight hug. "You will be okay, people are looking out for you. And Terry is your bodyguard, he has to go everywhere with you."

Luke nodded and sat down again, taking some champagne from Michael. "What's happening in London?"

"It's a charity gala to raise money for cancer research. His little sister has a lung cancer." Michael answered and Luke pursed his lips. "All you need to do is go there, donate, look pretty and Reece will talk to you."

Luke nodded, "I guess I can do that." He sipped more of the alcohol, "wait, do I have to kiss him."

"That's up to Terry." Liv said.

"I haven't had any action for months." Luke sighed, "I wouldn't mind it from him, he's really hot."

The three laughed, "only do it if it's necessary, Luke." Mike said making Luke nod.

"Sex is always necessary." Luke said making Michael rolled his eyes and shove Luke off the bed with a thump and a hmpf.

Luke pouted, rubbing his chin, "Ow Mikey."

"Sex is rank." Michael sneered, sticking his nose up. "I can't believe I use to like you Lucas."

Luke laughed, "cmon if we dated, I wouldn't make you do any of that, I'm a respectful man."

Michael snorted, "yeah right, save it for Reece."

Luke smirked, "I will."


Just so you know what's coming up

I finally put up some posters, here's 1 5sos, 1 supernatural and 1 uncharted 4👀

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