syndicate II : chapter twenty two

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I love babies, like I want 12, some of my own and some adopted and Lukes gonna love them all,,,,I'm kidding about Lu (barely) but I want lots of kiddies

30+ comments pls ty


In Tokyo, Luke was laid up on bed rest as he was heavily pregnant and since the last pregnancy had caused some damage to Luke's uterus, he had to be heavily monitored by actual doctors and not just a Cab driver and a Hotel receptionist.

Baby Charlotte was now eleven months old, she was already so big and beautiful and doing well. As soon as they'd arrived in Tokyo they'd had proper medical check ups and Charlotte had been fine.

Thankfully Luke wasn't alone in his bed rest, Reece didn't have much to do in Tokyo as he was well known with some associates in the city, so he was hanging out with Luke in their bed, naked. Along with the pregnancy, came Luke's over the top hormones, Reece had fell victim to Luke's spontaneous bursts of hyper activities.

Luke had once watched in Friends that having sex could make their baby come out faster when they were being stubborn and as Luke was a week overdue, they'd tried it a few times but nothing had happened so far. The doctors were not worried about the baby, and it was simply Luke's body.

Reece lay next to Luke at the moment, watching as Luke took in slow and steady breaths with his eyes closed. Reece had a hand on Luke's stomach, feeling their baby kick. It made Reece so happy to be able to feel the tiny kicks, their children were like miracles, Reece would have never gotten to have children if he'd stayed doing what he use to do. Though this situation wasn't ideal, it was enough to keep Luke and their kids happy.

Luke then opened his eyes and blinked slowly, "I think I just peed myself." Luke said.

Reece blinked slowly, then he sat up and pulled the covers off of Luke to see there was a sliver of liquid on their bed sheets, "yeah your water just broke." Reece said, getting out of the bed and getting dressed. He grabbed the baby bag that was ready before he picked up some clothes for Luke.

He got him dressed in some loose and stretchy clothes before helping him stand up. Luke groaned as he stood, leaning against Reece. "Oh god my ankles."

"I know, I know, let's get Charlotte and go." Reece urged.

He helped Luke to the living room before Reece went back to Charlottes bedroom and got her from her crib. She was still fast asleep as Reece helped Luke to the elevator and to their car. They drove to the hospital easily without a single contraction until they stepped foot inside the hospital when Luke held his stomach and curled in on himself, "Oh god!" Luke yelled, getting attention from bystanders and nurses.

Within a few seconds, a nurse with a wheelchair was by Luke's side and he sat down, rubbing his stomach as he took in a few deep breathes.

Luke's yelling seemed to wake up Charlotte, as she was now looking around tiredly, her small fist against one of her eyes. Reece noticed the movements and looking down at her, "hey baby." Reece shifted her slightly, "daddy's gonna have your little brother now."

They started the walk up to the maternity ward, Luke was booked in and in a bed within a few minutes. He got hooked up to pain medication as they waited to go in for the surgery.

Reece sat down at the chair beside the bed, baby Char on his lap. Reece watched the nurses work but once they were out, he moved to sit on Luke's bed, "you good?"

Luke sighed, lying back and rubbing his stomach, "yeah, I am now."

When the next contraction had hit Luke, baby Char was very confused and scared by what was happening, making Reece give her a little squeeze, "your brother is taking a little while." Reece told her, seeing how her face changed at each sound Luke made, them she giggled and clapped her hands happily. "Luke your pain is making her happy." Reece grinned.

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