syndicate Ⅱ : chapter three

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ruke meets again!! 40+ comments!!

Notifs are being weird so tell me what time you got this notif!!



Reece stood in the bathrooms, changing from his blue jumpsuit and pulling on the guard uniform before putting on the bullet proof chest. He put on the coat and gloves and helmet that would cover his identity then his trousers and some boots.

He looked up when the door to the bathroom opened and the guard who had talked to him earlier in the week nodded, "good, lets go they're leaving in two minutes."

Reece nodded and left the bathroom, his uniform stuffed in the box of the toilet, it would be like he was never in prison in the first place.

He followed the guard, getting through the main doors with a card before Reece was in a room full of guards. Reece didn't know who was on his side and who wasn't.

When the entrance doors opened, they left, and Reece was at the back of the line as they got in to the Swat van. He sat down near the door and looked down at his lap, he was out, and it was so fucking easy.


Reece looked up in confusion at the person opposite him and then he recognised those eyes. Ashton.

The haze led eyed man then looked at two other guards, nodding before they both moved quickly and snapped the necks of the two remaining guards who weren't in on it.

Ashton took off his helmet, Reece doing the same, "I thought you were dead." Reece breathed. "How did you survive?"

Ashton chuckled, "we have one hell of a surgical team, and the bullet didn't hit my brain, Calum's a shit shot." He put his hand on Reece's knee, "you're out, that's all that matters."

"What about Luke? Is he okay?" Reece asked.

"The bastards fine," ashton laughed, earning a glare from Reece at the name given.

"cut that shit about my Luke, is he alright? I was told about a baby?" Reece said, somewhat sadly.

"Luke is still recovering, he's going to work again and he's at home right now. You'll see him tomorrow at three." Ashton said.

Reece sighed, "good, I've been worried sick for him, no one has let me talk to him. Last time I saw him I woke up at the hospital and I saw him outside."

"You'll both be fine, he's Luke, he'll forgive you. He's still your husband." Ashton pointed out making Reece scratch at his out grown beard.

"He's okay though?

Ashton nodded, "he's okay Reece."

Reece nodded to himself before leaning back against the van. The vehicle stoped after ten minutes or so, and Ashton pushed the doors open, Reece got out and saw they were in a warehouse. "So I'm guessing after everything we have no where to stay."

"Oh no we do, we just wanna lay low until we can get to New York, the bunker is finished being built." Ashton said, both of them walking towards a room in the warehouse. Reece took off the billet prof jacket and huffed at the weight of it, he always hated these.

They got to the room, seeing a few other of the guys including Oli who Reece smiled at. Reece sat down, kicked off his boots and sighed in content. He was out and free.

Then Ashton dropped a folder on the table beside Reece's feet. "Look at it."

Reece leaned forward and grabbed it, "what's in it?"

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