syndicate II : chapter twenty

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it took me forever to write this bc I'm lazy

Also my mum is meeting my boyfriend on Monday and I'm shook?

5sos are touring again and I'm so shushshshshh my man luke looks great

5sos are touring again and I'm so shushshshshh my man luke looks great

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^^ this as a lock screen is 10/10

whERE aRe mY cOmmEnTS yO 40+ pLs


It had been a week since Luke had tried to leave and since then, he hadn't had a moment alone. Reece would help him bathe Charlotte and they'd cook dinner together. Luke knew Reece was only doing it because he was terrified Luke would leave again. Reece had always wanted a family and Luke had almost taken that all from him.

Luke was changing Charlottes clothes after they had given her a bath so she was ready for bed. Reece was already in bed and watching on silently, waiting for Luke to get in to bed beside him. Luke finished up with his daughter and set her down inside the crib, his finger tips brushing softly against her face. Luke pulled the small blanket up against her chest and lay her teddy beside her before he pulled his hands back to his chest and sighed.


Luke turned around and looked at Reece timidly. Reece looked attractive as he lay in the bed in his boxers and the covers down, showing off his naked chest.

Reece patted the empty space in the bed with his hand, "come on, we can cuddle." Reece said quietly, making sure his tone was soft so he didn't scare Luke off.

Luke sat on the edge of the bed and took off his jeans, but kept his shirt on. He then lay down and let Reece pull him in close and kiss his forehead. Luke closed his eyes and sighed, and his nose caught Reece's scent, a mix of berries from the soap they used and Reece's natural sweet smell.

Reece looked at Luke and sighed, "I love you." Reece said softly, making Luke open his eyes and look at him and Reece knew Luke wasn't going to say it back.

Luke nodded slightly, he knew Reece did.

Reece sighed, "Luke I'm not doing this again, I know you love me too and I already said I was sorry for Q even though I didn't do anything, it was Ashton." Reece said.

Luke rolled on to his back and away from Reece, "it's different." He said quietly, mindful of their sleeping daughter, three meters away. "Were supposed to be a family and I can barely leave the house and I can't give my daughter the life she needs."

Reece paused, "you keep calling her yours, she's ours." Reece reminded Luke.

Luke stayed silent, so Reece grabbed his hand, "I'll look after you, I'll protect you and care for you and love you. But I can only do that if you let me, you've gotta let me love you again."

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