Chapter Ninety-One

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view. To refresh your memories - Nira and Kylo Ren were kidnapped by The Execution. Nira was tortured by Senator Shihan and burnt badly, and Kylo Ren was tortured by being forced to listen to Nira's screams of pain while she was being tortured. Lots of torture. Lots of tears. Ah. Everyone from The First Order is outside of the base and, to the best of our knowledge, still actively fighting The Execution.

Okay, Nira's point of view.)

"Next time, Nira, it'll be your teeth that are going to get pulled out one by one. If I'm going to completely destroy your basic identity then I'm going to do it thoroughly. I wouldn't want anyone to find out who you are if I'm going to destroy your identity, would I?" Shihan chuckled as if he had made a funny joke. A shot of fiery despise ran through my gut.

"But, I figure that you've had enough for today. So I guess I'll have to see you again! I'll make sure it's soon!" He promised with a wide grin and a wink.

Senator Shihan and his band of guards then turned and exited.

I was left by myself, sobbing, dreading the next time the Shihan entered my holding cell.


I felt like a useless, depressed rock. For hours and hours following the first torture session, I couldn't think of anything remotely hopeful or of good spirits. 

All I could feel was hatred for Senator Shihan and The Execution, the pain brought by the consequences of my torture, fear that I could never be healed, and hopelessness because I was positive that a) I was going to be tortured again and b) I was sure that I was going to die in that cell. 

In the few seconds that my mind wasn't distracted by the hatred, pain, fear, and/or hopelessness, worried emotions flashed through my head. I was worried for Kylo Ren. We had been forcefully separated when we had been taken captive and thrown into separate cells. 

Who knows what they're doing to him? Perhaps something resembling my torture, or worse? If anything happens to him I will be hurt even more than I already am. Obviously something is going to happen to him. I might as well prepare for more pain.

Everything seemed pointless. I couldn't see a possible way of escape. No one from The First Order had any clue where Kylo Ren and I were, much less had any idea about the situation we were in. None of the soldiers had any way to find out that we had been kidnapped. If I did have a chance to escape, I didn't know if I would be physically capable of doing so, both because of my burns from the torturing and because I know I couldn't leave Kylo Ren behind. 

Things were looking extremely bleak for me. I couldn't find the motivation to even think about escaping, much less attempting to go about doing so. 

My heart ached for him. It pushed against the confines of my chest, begging me to jump from my slate and go and find the man I love. Kylo Ren was not more than a mile from me, and it was so frustrating that I was so completely helpless and unable to go find him.

And, then, of course, there was the anticipation and stress that I had pressing on me. I sat against the slate, staring at the sliding metal door that lead to the hallway outside of my cell. I gazed at that slate for hours, knowing that the next time it opened I would probably be tortured horribly again. Every second I stared at that slate waiting and expecting it to open the next was more torturous than the burning itself. 

Expecting and waiting for the pain is worse than enduring it. 

I had been sitting against that cursed slate for hours, debating whether or not it would be smart of me to look down at myself and analyze my injuries. The pros would be that I could determine whether or not I could escape and I actually know what is going on in my body; cons -- I could potentially find out that I am physically disabled due to my burns and there is no hope of my escape, meaning that I would surely die in this cell and perhaps never see Kylo Ren again.     

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