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My eyes snapped open, a sense of fear washing over me as I sat upright. I started to scream and scream until Liz came into view.

"It was horrible!" I sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged me. "I-I had a dream that I w-was going into labor."

Liz pulled back to tub under my eyes. "It wasn't a dream, Kenzie," she whispered softly. My eyes flicked up to meet hers. "You were pregnant longer than we thought."

I distanced myself from her to look at my flat stomach. Horror washed over me as I started to cry harder. "What happened?!"

How can I have passed out throughout my entire baby's birth?

LizAnnie gave me a small smile. "You over worked yourself. But it's fine. The baby only came a week or so early."

How in the frick frack did I not know I was pregnant for nine months? I mean, seriously.

"But, I thought it has only been...."

I tried to remember how long it was since Raven left and my last appointment, but u couldn't recall.

Shaking my head, I peered at my best friend through my lashes. "C-can I see her?"

LizAnnie beamed and nodded frantically. "Of course! She's over here."

I watched her go behind me to a crib holding my beautiful baby. I reeled with joy as the bundle holding my child was placed in my hands. I moved the blanket a little to see all if my creation.

"Oh my," I laughed a little. "There she is."

LizAnnie nodded, smiling with love down at my little girl. "Yup. Miss Diana Rogers," she chirps. My eyes move from my glowing, sleeping baby to look at my best friend in confusion.


"That's what you wanted to name her, right? Diana?"

I looked at the baby. "Yeah. That's fine." I rubbed her face with my index finger, not containing my horn what so ever. "Hi, Diana, welcome to the world."

Her gorgeous dark locks of hair were pretty thick. I was no longer surprised that I passed out through the whole thing. It was upsetting, though, to not be able to see her tight away, but at least she's cleaned.

Dark lashes touched her caramel skin, making me think of her fairly tanned father. "I'm your momma, baby girl. The one who will love you with all of her heart."

Because I highly doubt Raven wants you for anything besides his gang.

My eyes shot over to Liz. "He found out?"

"About the gender? Yeah. Didn't seem too happy."

I sighed and held my girl closer as all the love I felt poured out to her. "It's okay baby, mommy won't let anything happen," I whispered in her ear. She stirred, stretching and yawning before opening her eyes.

I gasped at the exotic color, finding her eyes a beautiful feature on all of her. Brown eyes stared back at me before bursting into tears. I smiled and hugged her close, beginning to rock her gently.

The door opened, making me flinch and push myself further into the medical bed I was on once again. Jason popped in, eyeing my bundle with curiosity.

"Oh. You're awake."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes I'm awake. What do you want?"

"I heard her crying so I went to check up on her," he responds defensively. "I didn't know you were up yet."


I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at LizAnnie who had her focus on Diana. "Yet? What do you mean yet? I wasn't suppose to be up?"

Jason blushed. "No, no! It's just..." he trails off, looking at my best friend for help.

"The doctor said he wasn't sure if you would wake up. Especially so soon," she says quietly. I instantly drop my gaze to the now sleeping baby and kiss her forehead, closing my eyes and rocking her.

"My poor baby," I cooed, feeling my heart drop. What would have happened if I never did wake up? My kid wouldn't have a mother and would be stuck with a killing machine dad.

"So, one of us had to pump milk out of you," Cory finishes as he enters. I glared at him. "Chill. It was your bestie over there."

I mouth a 'thank you' to her, knowing it must have been awkward. She shrugged. "Why would you guys have to? Couldn't she have some formula?"

LizAnnie shook her head. "No. Diana is a special. She can't have that kind of stuff."

I nodded, watching as Marissa came into the room as well. "Welcome everyone. Touch my baby? You die," I threatened with no remorse. Marissa agrees quickly as she sits on a chair next to Liz.

"You alright?"

"Yes," I respond, engrossed with my child. "I'm fine." I pressed my finger under her nose to feel her warm breath tickle my finger. I adjusted my arm so I could sit up a bit before continuing to rock her.

Marissa sighed. "You gave us quite the scare. Everyone in the basement had-"

"Enough with the basement," I snapped, remembering how many times I have heard about that stupid room. LizAnnie stifled a laugh as Marissa nodded frantically.

"I'm sorry." Looking over her shoulder st the boys who stayed by the door, she gave a huff. "Raven is worried about you."

This caught my attention, and I turned to her. "Raven? No way. The man is heartless."

"He's not-"

"The frick frack he's not. He shot and threatened more people than I can count." I close my eyes and breath deeply before looking back at her. "He's a gang leader, Marissa, and you of all people should no this."

She started to protest again. "If you just give him a chance-"

"Get out," I saw through gritted teeth, tears threatening to spill. Everyone who wasn't my best friend and another victim left. "LizAnnie, what am I going to do?" Tears fell onto my cheeks as i looked at my previous baby. "He's going to kill her."

Attention Readers!!

I had just recently watched a movie on Netflix that has our main star Andrea Russett, or as you know Kenzie. The movie is called Expelled and Cameron Dallas is in there too.

Kenzie is nothing like the girl in the movie, but you can see of what she looks like more.

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