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Diana's screams made me jump into the air in panic. My breathing was heavy as I tried to make sense of the situation. The lighting in the room was still dark, meaning I probably was asleep for only a couple hours. But obviously Dee was now awake.

I threw off my covers and stumbled over to her crib. I took deep breaths and held onto the edge to steady myself, then reached down to pick her up. Bringing her up, I felt her diaper for wetness. "Nope, you don't need a change, baby girl."

I rocked her in my arms but she continued to scream and cry. I frowned and rubbed at my eyes, trying to be awake enough. My mind fogged over and I could feel my much needed sleep drift over me. But my mother's gut feeling told me something I would have missed if she was not mine.

"Oh I get it now. You're hungry."

Laying her down in my arms, I steadily walk back to my bed and place her on my knees. Instead of trying, I throw of my shirt just to get rid of it. When I laid my head back for a small nap while she ate, I watched the door to my room open. Seeing as I was barely awake, i didn't even comprehend that my breast were out as I fed my baby.

Raven strides into the dark room with confidence leaking from him. He heads straight to me and stood next to bed, as creepy as that seems. I lifted my eyes to try and see him, but the darkness was overlapping me.

"She has been crying for over an hour," he grumbled, much to my shock. Surprised, I sit up a little. "You were out cold. Didn't hear a thing until just now, I assume?"

Was I really that tired?

"It never occurred to me that you were so exhausted," he continues. "After you are done feeding her, give her to me."

I shake my head. "No because if she's hungry, I won't be near." I clutched her tighter to be sure he wouldn't take her away.

"Use that pump-thingy."

I turn my head to his tall figure. "Pump-thingy?" I close my eyes and lean against the headboard. "No. That thing hurts and feels weirder than when she sucks on me. I don't know how women can do it all the time for when they go back to work. I mean..." my voice drifted quite as my strength was giving in. "I can't let anyone take her. I love her. So, so much."

He was quiet for a minute, but a shake to my shoulder made me realize that it was my senses fading and my body shutting down. I was too tired for anything at the moment.

"Here. She is done. Now, give."

Hesitantly, I unattached my precious baby and handed her over to her father. His hands were rough and hard, but as soon as mine made contact with them,they softened. Raven cradled the tiny human football in his arms while I fixed my bra.

"Sleep, Vita Mia. It's going to be a big day the rest of the time we are here."

I frown, even with my eyes clothed and body falling limp. "What's a wedding got to do with our vacation time? I'm a single mother who was kidnapped by the father. I don't wanna attend"

I curled onto my side under the soft, warm blankets. I could feel myself battling with this decision, but my whole body protested and in the end, won.

My mind was at ease finally as I drifted off into a slumber. It wasn't like any other weird dream where nothing makes sense and you switches your settings. No, it was like a clip, a slideshow of my memories.

And when I woke up, the last memory I landed on was the night Diana was conceived.

~I kept looking down at the carrier Diana was sitting in, praying that she just occupied herself by staring at things. My mind was telling me I needed to calm down, but a part of me was saying that I needed to worry. Worry about whatever was going on.

"Why am I here?"

Raven looked up from his paperwork towards the annoying peak sitting on his couch, looking down constantly at his daughter. "Because I told you to."

And that's because...

I sighed. "No. Not in your dumb office, why am I here on your island? I know it's not because Marissa insisted you take us for a break."

He nods. "So you're not just pretty," he grumbles. I glare at him but than focus my attention back to Dee. She stared at me expectantly.

"I'm serious, Raven. What is this about a wedding? Who is it for and why do we have to attended?"

Raven's steel gaze turns back to his paperwork "Well, we are an important piece to it, if that's what you call it."

I nod, still a little antsy around him. All I want to do right now is punch his lights out, but maybe if I'm sweet he'll give me answers. So far it's working. "So are you a friend of the groom?"

He smirks, eyeing me for a moment. "You could say that."

"Do I have to go?"


Huffing, I rock the carseat Diana sat in. "What am I going to where and what can I do in the mean time?"

Punch your face in and send Cory back to hospital on his death bed?

"You will be given a dress. Diana will be attending, and do whatever you please."

With that, I up the carseat and picked stood up. "Okay, see ya!"

Waving over my shoulder, I walk out and towards my room where I could get Diana out of the carseat. Raven apparently had her in the thing since he had taken her from me last night. He said she was quiet the whole time, just 'staring at him like a weirdo.'

I push the carseat onto the bed and pull out my healthy, strong and beautiful child. "Looks like we get to have some fun. Let's go swimming!"

So, I really, really want to change my book title to something alluring and beautiful. Can anyone help? I think after fourty chapters you guys have gotten a pretty good gist of what the books is about.

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