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The car rumbled a little more as Cory turned it back on. In a swift, short movement, he had reeled out of the parking space and back onto the road, where many cars sped by. His hands clenched the steering wheel tightly while irritably glaring at me through the rearview window.

"Would you hush her up already," he snaps. I didn't meet his gaze, though knowing full well they were full of anger and stress. Instead, I kept looking past his shoulders to the front window where I could see everything.

We were once again in the car, but for this reason was still unknown to me. I was told this wasn't another mission, seeing as Liz and Diana were able to accompany me. That didn't exactly reassure my nerves at all. Diana, noticing my slightly shift in moods and us no longer coddling her with confident and happiness, continued to fuss in my arms.

My finger pressed tightly against to the pacifier that was in her mouth as I bounced her in my arms. I could do nothing to calm myself, so for her it seemed as a much more difficult task. Though, I still did try my best.

"Dee, stop it now," I say, finally putting my eyes back onto her with a smile. "You are completely fine."

Diana didn't understand what I had just told her, but with my attention, she quieter down immediately to stare at me. Guilt seeped through me as I thought of how little time I have spent with her since she was born. These missions always were too dangerous for her, but I didn't want to risk her life.

"Maybe she's hungry," LizAnnie suggests from next to me. I shrug in response and pushed the pacifier into my daughter's mouth.

Raven had told us to pack up enough clothes and supplies for a week. When I heard first heard the news after our kiss, I was quite furious, but then Marissa had reassured me that this trio was entirely for our health.

Like I'll believe that.

These boys could care less if we were healthy or not. I would say that Jason is an exception but by now, u don't really know him. After all, he could have changed his mind about us and no longer cares what happens.

Marissa insisted that Raven takes us to their secret island where no one could interfere with us, but we can still relax and get some sun-something we haven't had in forever.

Somehow they agreed, and here we are. I'm not nervous about going to a secret island because if they wanted to kill they would have by now. No, I'm nervous because the only people in the car are the maniacs who can have joy in an attack. I'm nervous of having another attack with my baby out in the open.

LizAnnie and I were both cussing out any gang member in our heads as soon as Cory pulled up with the retched car and stuffed out things in the trunk. Raven was also following behind us in his vehicle, but he had said he's only coming to this island for  business. Apparently he has one of his corporations around this place.

Raven was ignoring me, ever since the kiss. And I was completely fine with his choice. I am beyond pissed at him, and myself for falling for the jerk in the first place.

"Are we almost there?" I ask tiredly, looking away from my daughter to glare back at Cory. He gave me a look as Jason replied.

"Yes. We are."

"Good," Liz snaps and squirms on the leather seat if the car. "Because I gotta go."

These morons had not allowed any of us to leave this vehicle, not even for a bathroom. Cory smugly told Liz he can pull off and she could piss in a bunch of shrubs, but she denied with a threat to wring his neck. I was surprised she even had the guts to speak with him, but maybe she grew some balls while I went on missions.

Finally, after hours if complaints, bickering, threats, and baby feeding, we pulled up to a house. If I had not been living in a mansion for who knows how long, I would have been impressed by the amazingly beautiful house. But I was not

Instead, I cradled Diana in my arms and got out without permission. Grabbing the bottom of the trunk door, I push in the button and lift it up. I scowled when I saw nothing in it

"Where is our stuff?" I growled to Jason as soon as he got out from the passenger side. He raised his arms in defense and backed away. Some gang leader he was.

"Chill, Kenzie- I, err, mean Mackenzie. Raven had switched them to his car when you had talked to Scarlett and Marissa about mission clothes."

It was not so much of a vacation if I still had to work on some missions.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed Diana onto my shoulder and went over to LizAnnie to keep a safe distance to my kidnappers. We stood there, waiting for Raven's black car to come speeding at us with out luggage. After a moment, I sighed heavily.

"It's hot out here. Let's just go inside and wait." I head towards the door before anyone protested. Everyone follows and I watch Cory unlock the house the same time Raven pulls up. Not seeing the need to stay, I entered the mansion/house thing.

Liz came in closely behind. When the door shut, I reached out to flick on the lights but couldn't find any. "Where are the lights? Diana can't sleep now or she won't sleep tonight," I mutter.

"Um," Liz tapped my shoulder. "Try clapping. Rich people must have one of those clapper lights, right?"

"My hands are occupied, you do it." As requested, Liz claps slowly at the lights flash on. I look around the enormous room before shrugging. "It will do."

In any other circumstance, Liz and I would be thrilled to be here for a week and just have fun. I could already see a pool across the room behind glass doors, and large TVs. Something we havent used it what felt like forever.

But seeing as our circumstance was crappy, we stayed silent and waited for the boys to come in and lay out the rules. Raven went straight to the spiral steps of the enormous house while Cory told us the rules.

When they were done, I got up to look at the beautiful chandelier and smile slightly. Reminds me of the teared up home Raven brought us to in the first place. It would have been easier to find us there, seeing as we were still in the same state. But now we are in the dreaded state of Michigan.

And I'm positive one of these towns are known for their cruel and gangster ways.

"Mackenzie!" Jason calls alarmingly. I glare at him with a raised eyebrows. "You're bleeding!"

Now alarmed myself, I glanced down at for any blood. Jason shot over to me and pointed to the blood oozing down my leg. After I shifted so I could see it, I felt the blood in more than that area and narrowed my eyes.

"Because of you morons, I haven't changed my pads the whole time we have been on the road. Hours ago."

Jason backs away at the sudden realization and blushes. "Oh. Oh."

LizAnnie also frowns. "That's reminds me," she whispered before bolting up the stairs to probably find a bathroom.

Ah! My brother was at work today and saved a woman and her toddler from their car! The car was catching on fire and he got them all out before they got hurt😍😘 I'm so proud!

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