chapter 2

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I stood there, staring after him. 

I shook my head.  Told myself I was imagining things, he had just taken me by surprise.  I headed to the kitchen for my much needed coffee.  He was sitting in a chair, with his long, lean legs up on the table, his ankles crossed. 

My breath caught.  He truly was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.   He had gotten himself a cup of coffee, and was munching on an apple as he sorted through a stack of mail.  I stood just inside the doorway, staring.  I knew I was staring, I knew it was rude.  But I could not take my eyes off him.  I thought he had not noticed I was there.  I was wrong.

"Come on in," he said, not even looking my direction.  "I don't bite.....hard."

Oh god, was he flirting with me?  Surely not.  I walked over to the counter, turning my back to him.

"You must be Brett's girl," he said.  Even his voice was perfect.  "I helped myself to some food, hope ya don't mind."

"No, not at all," I finally said, turning around.  He had gotten up from his seat and was standing practically right behind me.  "You can have anything you want."

"Anything?" he raised his eyebrow suggestively. 

I blushed, and he chuckled.  

"Hey, man, how's it going?" Brett loudly entered the room.  He walked over to his friend and patted him on the back before taking his place beside me.  "I see you two have met."

"Yeah," I forced a smile.  Were they as uncomfortable as I was?

"Your girl must've made the coffee this morning," he said.  "If I remember correctly, your coffee was more like tar."

"Yeah, some things never change," Brett laughed.  "Wynnie here is my savior there."

"Wynnie?  So she has a name," he said, flashing me a smile that made my knees weak.  "It is truly  a pleasure to meet ya."

I knew his name was Slash, having heard Brett talk about him often.  I should have said something friendly back to him.  But just as I opened my mouth to speak, he leaned around me to grab a box of powdered donuts off the counter.  His arm brushed my side, and I felt the heat of his body.  I blushed and hurried from the room.  I felt so guitly for being so attracted to him.  I was a terrible girlfriend.

I busied myelf with getting dressed and taming my hair.  When I stepped out into the hall, I could hear the guys in the living room talking and laughing.  I calmed my nerves and made my way to find Brett.  They were sprawled out on the living room furniture, catching up with one another like old friends do when they haven't seen each other in a while.  I quietly entered and sat down next to Brett.

"Babe, you still need to hit the stores today?"  Brett asked, wrapping one arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, since I am off work, I need to pick up a few things and do some laundry," focusing my gaze on my boyfriend.

"Cool," Brett said, kissing my cheek softly.  "I got called in to a meeting at work.  Slash said he'd drive ya anywhere you need to go."

I blushed and looked down at my hands.  "No, its ok, I can get where I need to go.  I don't wanna be a burden."

"It is no problem," Slash spoke up.  "I should probably do some laundry, too.  I don't even remember the last time I washed my clothes." 

"So, it's settled then," Brett smiled, pleased with his sollution.  He got up and headed to the bedroom to get ready for his meeting.  

We sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.  I refused to look at him, even when I was certain I felt his gaze settle on me.   Brett came back in the room, kissed my cheek and gave a small wave to Slash.  Then he was gone, and I was left alone with this guy who I was inexpicably attracted to. 

"Hey, sweet thing," he finally spoke, "Do I have time to take a shower before we head out?"

"I can go on my own, really," I said, trying to sound confident. 

"I am sure you can, but I'm not letting ya," he sat up on the couch. "Now, about the shower?"

"Yeah, um sure," I made the mistake of looking his way.  God, he really was beautiful. 

He smiled and headed off to his room, and eventually the shower.  I tried to straighten up the place a bit, then I attempted to read.  But all I could think about was that he was in the shower, wet and naked and only the apartment's thin wall separated us.  I began to daydream about what he would do if I stripped down and joined him in there.  Would he kick me out?  Or would he welcome me?  That's where my thoughts were when he appeared at my side, dressed and ready to go.

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