chapter 23

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I manage to once again fall asleep sitting in this horrible chair.  I am hunched over, my head resting on the bed, my right hand holding tight to Slash's.  I wake up slowly, kind of have that foggy feeling.  I grimace when I go to sit up.  My back is aching and I have a terrible headache.  I still do not know if it is day or night, or how many days I have sat here waiting for my love to come back to me.

I sit back in the chair and stretch my arms over my head.  Wait, did his eye lids just flutter?  I think so, but maybe I am just not awake enough to know what is going on.  No, there it was again.  His eye lids definitely fluttered.  I scramble for the call button and press down hard.  The nurse asks what we need and I tell her that I think he is waking up. 

The nurse comes in and checks the monitors, checks his vitals, and assures me that there has been no change.  But I saw his eye lids move.  I know I did. 

I take my post in the horrible chair and talk to the beautiful man who lies on the bed in front of me.  I tell him how much I  hate this chair.  I offer him a sponge bath if he wakes up.  I pray for him some more.  Soon I am all talked out.

Lindsey and Axl arrive with some food for me.  It is fast food garbage but it tastes heavenly because I am so hungry.  After I practically inhale the food, Lindsey insists on me taking a walk with her.  She says I need the fresh air.

We walk the halls of the hospital towards the exit.  There is a sort of picnic type area where patients and visitors can sit and eat outdoors, and we go there to talk.  I pour my heart out to her.  With her I can really open up and be honest about my fears.  What if he does not wake up?  What if he does and sends me away?  She listens and reassures me.  We have a cold pop then head back up to his room.

As we approach, I see  flurry of activity.  Hospital staff hurrying in and out of his room.  Just like before. 

"Oh no!" I cry out.  "Not again.  Everytime I fucking leave something goes wrong."

"Don't panic, Wynn," Lindsey holds my arm.  "You don't know what is going on."

I hurry to his room, practically running there.  Nobody stops me at the doorway like before, so I rush on into the room. 

There he is, on the bed.  As beautiful as he was when I left the room fifteen minutes ago.  There are two nurses and a doctor beside his bed.  Axl stands against the far wall, staying out of the way of the medical staff.  When the nurse goes to leave the room, I get a good look at him.  My heart skips a beat.

For the first time in days, I see those deedp brown eyes looking back at me. 

My Slash is awake!

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