chapter 4

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After much persuassion, I agree to go shopping with him.  He spends his time suggesting various types of skimpy panties for me.  I am totally embarrassed, but stick to my normal old "granny panties" that I have always worn. 

"If you were my girl," he says, "I'd keep you in little lacy thong panties all the time."

I don't reply, I know my voice would fail me.  I just focus on paying for my purchases and getting out of there.  Back at the apartment is really no better.  He sits there, no shirt on , just jeans (that I know he has nothing on under) and plays his guitar.  The music fills the entire apartment.  It is like I feel him everywhere.  Maybe that is wishful thinking.

I decide that i need to keep myself busy.  It was a nice day outside, so I slip on my shoes and go out for a  walk.  When I return home,  Slash has gone out and Brett is relaxing on the couch.  I go straight to the kitchen and start making dinner.  Nothing fancy, pasta in a marinara sauce with salad and garlic toast.  I make extra, in case the sex god returns home and is hungry.

"Babe," Brett says, as we sit down to eat, "How did it go today?  You and Slash get along?"

"Yeah, he was very, ummm, friendly," I answer. 

"Well, I am glad to hear that," he says, between mouthfuls of food.  "I have something to tell you."

I feel a little nervous.  He is avoiding eye contact.  "What?" I ask.

"My job, the company is opening a new branch," he explains.

"That's great news," I say, smiling at him. 

"Well the new office is in  Minnesota," he shrugs.

"Ok," I am still not sure why this matters to me.

"They are sending a crew from here to get things started," he practically whispers.

"You mean we are moving!" I exclaim.  "But my job, and college...."  I feel panic grip my throat.

"No, no we are not moving," he reaches for my hand.  "I am going, but you will stay here."

"Here?"  this does not process for me.  "Without you?"

"Yeah," he shrugs, and starts eating again.  "Slash will be around, so you won't be alone.  It will only be a few weeks."

As I am thinking about this, the apartment door opens, and Slash comes strolling in.  The man does not just walk into a room.  He struts, and sex just radiates from him. 

"It smells fucking amazing in here," he says. 

"There is plenty, grab some food," Brett says.

Slash grabs a plate and loads it up.  Then he sits on the counter, behing Brett where I have a perfect view of him.  He starts eating.

"Man, this is delicious, and I was fucking starving," he says, food in his mouth.  His manners are complete shit, but who cares?

"So, my girl is gonna hang here while I am off on a business trip for a bit," Brett says.  "That's cool? Right?"

"You are going out of town?  And leaving Wynnie here with me?"  Slash clarifies.  "Yeah, that's cool."

"Thanks, man," Brett says. 

"No worries," Slash smiles at me.  "I will take good care of her while you are away." 

Did he wink at me?  Oh my, I think he did.  My stomach does flips and I find it impossible to swallow the food in my mouth.

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