chapter 28

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The days pass by, and we are blissfully happy.  His band is going on the road soon, and I know I am going to miss him so much while he is away.  He has made it clear to me that I can go with them if I want.  But I have my own obligations here.  My job, college, and I can not just walk out on those.  I am so comfortable with him, and while our relationship is fairly new, I trust him completely.

I am a girl in love.

The only real issue I have right now is Brett.  

He has been coming by the diner every day that I work.  Sometimes he comes inside and sits in my section.  Sometimes he just leaves notes on my car.  The car that Slash bought for me to use.  He was worried about me being on the bus, so he got me this really great little sports car. 

I think about mentioning the frequent visits from Brett, but with Slash getting ready to go on the road, I don't want to worry him.   Brett will eventually get the picture and back off.  I have known him for years, he is harmless.

Saturday night, I am home alone working on homework for my college classes.  Slash and his band are playing locally.  If I get this assignment done in time, I am going to go watch them.   I am on the floor, with papers spread out around me, when I think I hear someone outside the apartment door.  I go over and look out the peephole, and see nothing.  I return to my work, and hear it again.  I check and still nothing.  The third time I hear it, I open the door to check.  There on the ground, in front of the door, is an envelope and a bunch of flowers with the blooms all cut off.  I get a weird feeling in my stomach.  I pick up the envelope and hurry inside, locking the door behind me.   I open the envelope and unfold the paper that is inside.

It is made with cutout letters, like a ransom note from the movies.  It says simply "Watching you, pretty lady"

I feel sick.  What the hell is this?  I grab my keys and purse and rush off to find Slash.  My homwework can wait, I do not feel safe all alone.

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