chapter 21

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I stay there, by his hospital bed, never leaving for anything.  I want to be there when he wakes up.  WHEN he wakes up.  He has to wake up.  I doze a little, with my head resting on his bed next to him.  I have said every prayer I know to say.

The doctors come and go, as do the nurses.  There has been no change.  The doctors say the longer it takes for him to wake up, the less likely it is that he will wake up.  Or that he will wake up and there will be long term damage.   Whatever the case, I know I can not leave his side. 

I am resting my head on the bed, hunched over as i sit in this terribly uncomfortable chair.  I hear someone enter the room, and assume it is a nurse here to check on things.  I jump when someone touches my back.  I sit stright up and spin to see who it is.

"Brett?" I am shocked to see him here.  "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about Slash," he replies.  "Are you and him, well a couple now?"

"No," I sigh.  "But I love him, Brett.  I absolutely love him with all my heart."

"I see," he looks at his feet.  "Were you and him.... well, you know.. while we were together?"

"Brett, him and I kissed, that is all," I snap.  "Not that it matters, since you were out screwing around."

"Baby, I am so sorry about that." He seems sincere.  "I felt like you were not interested in me anymore,and we seemed so disconnected.  It was wrong, I treated you wrong.  I am sorry."

"Its done now," I say to him.  "I have other things to focus on." I turn and look at Slash.

"Yeah, can I have a minute alone with him?" he nods towards the bed.

"Of course, I will be back, I am gonna go grab a coffee."  I leave them alone.

When I get back with my coffee, I lean against the wall just outside the door.  I hear Brett talking.

"I should have listened to you, man.  I fucked up.  Big.  She is an amazing lady.  So kind and smart, and beautiful.  And she loves you, Slash.  She loves you.  I handed her right to you, huh?  Take care of her.  She is not one of your cheap rock band groupies.  Get better, ok?"

Then silence.  I push the door open and walk over to the bed.  "Wynn, he is gonna be ok," Brett says, resting his hand on my shoulder.   "If you need anything, please call me."

"Thanks," I whisper.  Then I sit back down in the chair from hell, and sip my coffee while I watch my beautiful guitarist battle his way back to me.

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