chapter 24

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"Slash!" I exclaim and rush past the nurse to the side of the bed.  Suddenly I feel wide awake and even the chair that has tortured me for days seems a little less horrible.   "Oh, Slash, I have been so worried."  I reach for his hand.

"Hey, darlin'," he manages to say. 

The doctors tell us he still needs to rest, so to take it easy, then they are gone.

"Hey, sweet thing," he says to me.  "It's thirsty as fuck up in here.  Could you find me some water?"

"I'm on it," Axl says, pushing off from the wall.  He grabs Lindsey's hand as he passes and they leave to find some water.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"Thirsty, confused," he says, he reaches up and tossles his hair.  "What the actual fuck is going on?"

"I am told you overdosed," I say gently.  "Axl found you, and got you here."

"Shit," he says and drops his head back against the bed.  "How fucking stupid of me."

"It was an accident," I say, trying to comfort him.  "I was so worried."

"I had a dream that you were here," he says, grinning at me from under all that hair.  "You were begging me to stay with you, and complaining about some uncomfortable chair."

I laugh at that.  "Not a dream, I have begged you to come back," I admit.  "And this chair, it sucks balls.  I have not left it for more than a few minutes at a time."

"But, why?" he asks, looking confused again.  "Wynn, why would you be sitting here, begging me to stay?"

"Slash, I was so scared..."

"But, you threw me away."

"Never," I insist.  "I made the wrong choice, Slash.  I did what was expected of me, by accepting Brett's ring.  I knew it was wrong.... my heart belongs to you."

"I thought you loved him?  It broke my heart to let you go with him," he says.

"I did at one point," I whisper.  "He was lying to me."

"I know," he sighs.  "I wanted to tell you.  But it wasn't my place."

"I understand," and I mean it.

"So is it over?  You and Brett?"

"Its over now," I assure him.  "Close your eyes and rest now."

"Will you be here?"  he asks.

"Right here, Slash," I smile. 

"No, not in the horrible chair," he scoots over.  "Here, beside me in the bed."

I get up and curl up next to him.  I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.  I don't know where this will lead, but right now, he is mine and I am going to cherish every moment.

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