chapter 5

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I busy myself with cleaning up the dinner mess.  The guys go into the living room area and crash on the couch.  I over hear them talking, and learn that Brett will be leaving in 2 days.  What will I do here alone with the hottest guy on the planet? 

I know what I will do.  I will work my shifts and behave myself.  I always play the role of the good girl.  This will be no different.

When I finish the dishes, I go and sit next to Brett. 

"Hey," he says, kissing my cheek.  "Wanna go out tonite?"

"Yes," I answer, a little too quickly.

"Go get ready, we are gonna go see a band in a nearby bar," Brett says.  I hurry off to the bedroom.  I grab a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt.  A quick brush of my hair and I am ready to go.

Brett grabs his keys and my hand as we head out the door.  We ride in comfortable silence on the way to this bar.  I decide to spend the next 2 days focusing on Brett, so that my heart and head will be in the right place while he is away.  Instead of thinking about the thrill and spark that we don't have, I will focus on the great things about my boyfriend and our relationship.

He parks the car, and i do not wait for him to open my door.  He takes my hand and leads me inside.  We take a table, near the stage.  We lean in close to talk over the noise of the bar.  Before long a tall blond man is on stage with a shorter dark haired man.  They are drinking, and smoking, and it appears they are tuning their instruments.  I am only mildly interested.  Until he walks on stage. 

"Slash!" I exclaim.

"Yeah," Brett says, "its his band playing tonite."

Oh my.  He is there, his hair wild, tight leather pants, and those lips.  I know I am staring.  I do not know how to NOT stare at this man.  The band starts to play and I am mesmerized.  They sound great, but my eyes are glued to Slash.  He plays that guitar with such skill, and he is so beautiful.  My heart is pounding, my mouth is dry. 

When the band stops playing, Slash comes over to us.  He taps my cheek and asks, "Well, sweetness, what did you think?"

I am speechless, and I blush.  My eyes focus on the scratches on the table.  He chuckles and I decide that he must know how I feel.  It has to  be written all over my face. 

"Oh, I have to get this," Brett says, as his phone rings.  He takes the phone outside, I assume so he can hear.

"So, really," Slash says, taking Brett's seat.  "What did ya think?"

"The band is great," I smile sweetly at him.  "I look forward to buying your album.  Didn't you all just get a record deal?"

"Yeah, its fucking cool," he laughs.  "Music is my passion."

"You play beautifully," I say.  Then regret it.

"Thank you, sweetness," he says.  "You worried about being home alone with me while your man is gone?"

"Should I be?" I ask.  Oh no, I am flirting.  Stop! I tell myself.

"Guess we will find out..." he says.  He winks at me then gets up and struts over with his band.

I sit alone, sipping a diet soda for a few minutes.  Bret tcomes back and says we need to leave.In the car he explains that he has to leave in the morning for his trip.  Some emergency that came up.

We get home and he packs his stuff into two suitcases.  I think he is going to put the moves on me, and am a little relieved when he doesn't.  I sleep fairly well, and jump awake when the alarm sounds.  I lay in bed as Brett dresses.  He has arranged for a cab to pick him up, and when he hears the horn honk he kisses me softly and promises to call.

I lay on my back listening to the guitar music drifting from the room across the hall. 

This is going to be tough.

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