chapter 9

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The next few days pass by without any encounters with the resident sex god.  Apparently he had some studio band obligations to tend to.  This kept him out of the apartment.  I would like to say it was out of sight out of mind, but this is not the case.  I still found myself thinking about him.  Once I even went into his room and sat on his bed for a few minutes.  I sat there watching his pet snake then I picked up a dirty shirt and sniffed it.  His smell was intoxicating to me.

I focused on work as much as possible.  Brett called me often and he said things were going great for him.  I always felt bad when he would profess to love me, and here I am fantasizing about another man.  I promised myself to try harder at being a loyal girlfriend.  Just about the time I thought I had a handle on things, Slash returned.

It was mid afternoon, and I was cleaning the apartment.  When I clean, I like to blast some music and dance around.  Which is exactly what I was doing.  Dancing around, singing along, then I turned and there he was.  Looking perfect, of course.  He was grinning as he watched me make  a fool of myself.

"No, don't stop," he smiles.  "You've got some great moves."

"I didn't know you were coming back today," I say.

"Yeah, wanted to surprise you," he says with a wink.

"Well, it worked," I laugh nervously.

I ask him about the band and studio work, which gets him all charged up.  He starts telling me about some of the songs, and some of his work on them.  He clearly has a passion for music.  I enjoy seeing the way his eyes light up as he describes the band and the album.

Before I know it, my stomach is growling.  I have been sitting here talking to him for nearly six hours.  Holy cow.

"You hungry?" I ask, getting up from the couch and stretching.

"Yeah," he says, as he stands up next to me.  Only a few inches separate our bodies.  It suddenly feels very hot in the apartment.

"Let me see what I can throw together,"  I quickly turn and rush off to the kitchen.  I grab the stuff to make stir fry chicken with veggies and rice.  I am at the counter slicing peppers when he is suddenly right behind me.

"Wynn," he says softly.  "I, um, well.....  I kinda missed you."

I turn around.  He has one arm on either side of me, his beautiful hands resting on the counter.  I look into his eyes, or try to at least.  His curly hair is hanging down, shielding his eyes slightly.  With a trembling hand, I reach up and brush his hair back from his face.  He closes his eyes at my touch.  Before I even remove my hand from his hair, his eyes open back up, with a look of ferocity I have never seen before.  I feel like he is the predator and I am the prey.

Without meaning too, without even thinking about it, my hand moves through his curls to the back of his head.  Then, with a confidence I don't normally have, I pull his face towards mine.  My eyes cloise just before our lips touch.  His lips are softer, more full than they looked.  I am lost in the feel of his hair in my hand and his lips touching mine.  He kisses me back, softly at first.  Then before I know what has happened, the kisses are harder, more demanding.  His tongue teases mine, and his hands are no longer on the counter and instead are holding me against him. 

I have never felt this way before.  I want him in ways I never knew to be possible. 

He lifts me up and sits me on the counter.  I wrap my legs around him and pull him close.  Then my phone rings.  The ring tone that indicates Brett is calling. 

We jump apart from each other.  Our lips red and puffy from the kissing.  I grab the phone and answer, my voice sounds shaky to me.  I chat with Brett as I go back to cooking.  When I hang up, Slash comes over to me.

"Fuck, Wynn," he says. " I am so sorry.  Not about the kiss, but that I know you do not want to betray Brett."

"I kissed you," I mumble.

"I never wanted to put you in that position," he says.

"Slash, I kissed you," I say more clearly.  "Don't apologize.  That was the most intense, amazing kiss I ever fucking experienced."

"Oh yeah?" he grins.  "Well you know where to get more of that...whenever you are ready."  He struts from the kitchen. 

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