chapter 18

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I lead the way back into Lindsey's apartment, the strange lady follows close behind.  I sit down in a chair and wait for the woman to explain.  She sits on the edge of the couch and looks nervously at her hands.

"Guess  I should introduce myself, huh?" She begins.  "My name is Mona."

"Ok," I say,  getting impatient.

"Well, Brett and I met online about a year ago," she explains.

"A year?" I ask, shocked.  A year?  He has been messing around with her for that long? 

"Yeah," she contuinues.  "We chatted online for a couple months, then met in person.  We hit it off, and he was going to move to my hometown to be with me.  Then he said some things came up and his move was delayed.  We got together a few times, spent some weekends together."

I feel sick.  I recall weekends when Brett was out of town, supoposedly looking at apartments for him and I, or job hunting.  And instead he was meeting her?  This is not ok.

"A few months ago, he started a new job and was going to stay with a friend of his," she says.  "The last few weeks he has been spending a lot of time with me.  Several times he has received calls and texts from you.  He told me you guys dated a few times, and messed around a bit.  I am ok with that.  But he says you won't leave him alone."

"Wait? What!?" I am outraged.  "He is lying to you, Mona.  Brett and I have dated since high school.  He just fucking asked me to marry him.  MARRY HIM!"

"What?" she looks heartbroken.

I show her my ring. 

"Oh my god," she holds her head in her hands and starts to cry.  "I love him so much."

"Seems he was playing us both," I say.  "I am gonna call him."  I dial his number and he answers right away. 

"Hey, how's my bride?" he asks sweetly.

"Brett, here is what is gonna happen," I say, very nicely at first, but each word gathers more attitude.  "This ring you gave me?  I am handing it to Mona right now.  She is gonna bring it to you, and you can shove it up your ass!"   I hit the disconnect button.  He calls right back, but I deny the call.  I slip the engagement ring off my finger and hand it to Mona.

"If you still want him, he is all yours."

"I do want him,  actually, we are expecting a baby," she says, tears still falling.

"Huh, good luck," I say.

She gets up and leaves. 

I am dumbfounded.  He had made me feel so dirty for kissing Slash and all along he was screwing around.  I grab my phone, quickly I diall the number that should connect me to Slash.  He must have known, he warned me that Brett would hurt me.  There is no answer.  I leave a message for him to call me.  Then I wait.

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