chapter 32

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At  some point, I cry myself to sleep.  I am sure I did not sleep long, and I wake up in a panic.  I sit up a little and look around the dark apartment.  I don't see Brett.  I listen for sounds of him, and all is silent.   Did he leave?  I get up and start checking around.  I look everywhere, no sign of him.   I try to free my hands, but the tape is too strong.  I search for my phone, but can not find it anywhere. 

This is your chance, I think.  Make a run for it.  I hurry to the door.  It is harder than I thought it would be to open the front door, with my hands taped behind my back.  I get the door open, and I look around for any sign of Brett. 

I run across to the closest door to our apartment. I bang on the door with my shoulder.  Then I kick the door.  No answer.  Damn!

I am starting to panic.  I have to get help.  I run outside, and toward the street.  Surely someone out here can help me.  I look for cars, and don't see any.  I start to run towards the gas station that is down the street.  I pass no other people.  I see no cars.  Where is everybody?

I am about 500 feet from the gas station. My head is hurting so much, and I feel sick.  But I press on, I have to get help.  I can see people at the gas station.  I hope they will help me. Then a hand grabs my shoulder.  I am pulled backwards, my feet get tangled and I fall back.

"You will be sorry for this, bitch!" Brett growls at me.  I start crying again.  He kicks me, in my stomach, hard.  I curl up, the pain burning through me.  He grabs my hair and pulls me to my knees.  "Where do you think you are going?  Huh?"

I am so scared.  If I could scream, someone might hear me.  He pulls me into a standing position, and starts pulling me towards his car, which is nearby.  I start to struggle,  I somehow know that if he gets me into that car I won't make it back here ever again.  I don't know what to do, but  I am not getting into that car. 

I fall onto the ground, trying to break his grip.  He holds tight and starts dragging me.  I shift my weight and kick at him as hard as I can.  I manage to land one really hard kick on the side of his knee.   He screams in pain and falls to the ground.  He releases me and I immediately start scrambling back from him. 

I struggle to get back up on my feet.  I start running, and I do not look back.  I just run as fast as I can.  I am not really paying attention, and I run straight into someone.  I lose my balance, and trip.  Strong arms catch me, and wrap around me.  I am crying, and I close my eyes. 

I feel safe. 

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