chapter 12

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I knock softly, and wait for an answer.  After waiting for a few moments, I knock again, harder this time.  More waiting, no reply.  I sigh, and turn towards my room.  Just as I open my door, I hear his door open behind me.

"Wynnie," he says, his voice sleepy.  "What did you need?"

I want to say YOU and grab him.  Instead I mumble, "Brett just left."

"Yeah?  Everything ok?" he sounds genuinely concerned.

"I guess so," I shrug.

"He didn't, umm, say anything to upset you?" he asks.

"No, what would he have said to upset me?" I am curious now.  "Do you know something?"

"Wynn, I won't get into that with you," he says.  "Let's talk about something else.... Hey, I am working on some chords for a song, will you listen and give me feedback?"

"Of course," I smile.  I start for the living room and he grabs my hand.  He pulls me into his room, and motions for me to sit on his bed.

"My guitar is in here," he grins.

I sit on the very edge of the bed, and try not to drool as he picks up his guitar.  He plays a couple of notes just checking to make sure it is in tune.  Then his fingers expertly stroke the instrument, drawing out such beautiful sounds.

I close my eyes as I listen to the music.  I get lost in the sounds and only open my eyes again when the music stops.

"Don't marry him," Slash says.

"What?" I exclaim.

"Brett," he says.  "Don't marry him."

"He has not asked me to marry him," I say, calmly.

"He is going to.  Please don't," he says. 

I look into his eyes and know that I could never feel this way about Brett.

"Damnit, Wynn," he says.  He runs his hand through his curls.  "Fuck!"

"Slash," I whisper, reaching out and putting my hand on his arm.

"I have to go," he says, standing to leave.

"No, please, stay," I say.

"If I stay, I am gonna kiss you," he whispers.

I stand up in front of him.  "Stay."

Our lips meet, and the heat from this warms me to my soul.  I grab his hair, and hold on tight.  I never want to let him go.

TornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora