chapter 17

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One day fades into the next.  I work, I go to classes, and I sleep.  I stop taking Brett's calls.  Lindsey tries to get me to go out, or to eat, and I just can not.  I feel so tired, so sad.  I try to shake the cloak of sadness, but I just can not seem to get out of this funk. 

I come in from work one afternoon, after a particularly stressful morning shift.  I stumble in the door, nearly in tears.  I drop my purse and keys on the table beside the door.  Maybe a cold drink would help, then I could take some aspirin and go lay down.  Then I hear voices.  Lindsey must have company.

I try to slip into the kitchen without being noticed.  I get a pop from the fridge, open it and take a sip.  I close my eyes and just stand there for a moment.  Then I feel like someone is watching me, I spin around. 

There he is.

I have not seen him in weeks.  And he is beautiful.  So perfect.  He is casually leaning against the door frame, wearing tight jeans and an Aerosmith tshirt.  His hair is wild and curly and I long to touch it.

"Wynn," he begins, "Lindsey let me in.  Somewhere down the line her and Axl have hooked up."

"Really?"  I am surprised I did not know this.  Guess I have not been a very good friend lately.

"Yes, Ax is quite smitten with your friend," he grins. 

"That is so great!" I mean every word. 

"I've been so worried about you," he says, taking a few steps towards me. "You are not answering your phone or returning my calls."

"I have been busy," I lie.

"You look tired, and you have lost weight," he states.

"Um, I have homework to get done, so I really can't chat," I lie again.

"Damnit, Wynn!" he slams his hand down on the counter.  "Talk to me.  Tell me what is going on with you."

"Slash, I can't," I whisper, before I turn and run to my room.  I collapse on the bed in tears.

He follows me, despite me slamming my bedroom door.  He just opens the door and sits down by me.  "Let me help you," he pleads.

I don't know what to say to him, so I don't speak I just cry.  He scoots over and holds me against his chest while I cry. 

"What did he do?" he asks.  "How did Brett hurt you?"

"He hasn't," I reply.  "We are still together, and gonna get married."

"Oh," he says, pulling back a bit.

"What do you know about him? " I need to know.

"Baby, I can't tell you," he whispers.  "I am gonna go, so you can rest.  Please take care of yourself.  Call me for anything."

Then he is gone.  I am devastated.  After a few minutes, I jump up and run after him.  I throw open the apartment door and nearly run into some lady.

"Oh, I am so sorry," I say. 

"It's ok," she says, sweetly.  "Maybe you can help me.  I am looking for someone."

"I can try," I offer.  "Who are you looking for?"

"A girl named Wynn," she answers.

"Well, you found me," I say, confused.  I do not know who she is.

"Wynn, this is really awkward," she starts.  "But I need to talk to you about my boyfriend.  I don't mean to sound bitchy, but I need you to stop seeing him."

"Your boyfriend?"  I am really confused now.  Then it occurs to me.  "Oh, are you dating Slash?  Cause him and I are just friends."

"Slash?" she looks confused now.  "No, my boyfriend's name is Brett."

I feel like   someone knocked the wind out of me.   "Brett?" I whisper.  "Maybe you should come in.  And explain."

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