chapter 19

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Despite the several messages I have left, he does not call me back.  No replies to my texts.  Once I even go to his place and pound on the door, begging him to talk to me.  Nothing.

The only calls I do get are from Brett.  Claiming he can explain about Mona.  I have no interest in hearing his stories.  It is definitely over. 

Before my heart was torn because I wanted both Brett and Slash and could not choose.  Now I am torn because I can not have Slash.  I just want a real chance with him.  I know I have no right to expect him to be there.  I had a chance to pick him and instead I ran to Brett.

It has been four days, and no word from Slash at all.  I guess I should just accept it, he does not want to be with me.  I sit down on my bed and cry.  I am thinking it might be best to move back to Ohio.  I can not keep crashing here with Lindsey. 

"Wynn!" I hear Lindsey call my name.  I snap out of my funk, and get up off the bed to go see what she needs.  "Wynn!  Are you here?"

"I am here," I say, as I step into the hallway.  "What's going on?"

"Oh, Wynn," she sounds panicked. 

"Peep, what's wrong?  Are you ok?"  I am getting worried.

"Wynn, oh god, Wynnie," she is almost in tears. 

"Are you ok?" I ask again.

"Yes, I am ok," she finally says.  "Wynn, its Slash."

"Slash?" the cold hand of panic grips my heart.  "What about him?"

"Wynn, baby, he is in the hospital," she says, gently.

"Where, I need to go.  Now," I have to find him.  Oh god, let him be ok.

"I will take you to him, " she offers.

"What happened?  Is he sick? An accident?"  I need to know what to expect.

Just then, Axl enters the apartment.  He looks rough, like he has not slept in a while.   He goes immediately to Lindsey' side. 

"You coming with us?" he asks.  "I wanna be there, in case he wakes up.  I don't want him waking up alone."

"Wakes up?" I ask, confused.

"Honey, Slash is basically in a coma, after one hell of a fucking overdose," Axl says, sparing any gentle tones, he just lays it out there.

"Oh, god, Slash..." I break into tears.  I grab my purse as we rush out the door. 

All the way to the hospital I pray to all things holy, to gods I know of, gods I do not believe in and those that I do.  Please let him be ok.

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