chapter 31

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My head is throbbing as I slide down the wall, landing hard on my butt.  I do not understand why Brett is treating me this way.  He was always so nice and sweet.  I never dreamed he could be this cruel.  I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to fight the tears.

"Brett," I whisper, my voice shaking.  "Brett, what are you doing?"

He turns to me, anger filling his eyes.  "Don't you fucking move from that spot, do you hear me?"  He stomps out of the room.  I her him shuffling things around in the kitchen.  I think about running for it, but I really am terrified.  So, I stay right there on the floor.

He comes back into the room, holding something in his hand.  As he nears, I see it is duct tape.  My heart speeds up.  "Get up," he barks.  I start to get up, when there is a loud knock on the apartment door.  His eyes dart to mine.  "Expecting company?"

"N-no," I say. 

"Go, answer the door, get rid of whoever it is.  Quickly," he instructs me.  "If you so much as give one small indication that something is up, I will hunt down your loverboy and beat the shit outta him.  Go."  He pushes me towards the bedroom doorway.  I take a deep breath and wipe the tears off my face.  Then I open the door.

"Lindsey!" I exclaim.  She leans her head into the apartment and looks around.

"Are you alone?" she asks.

"Um, yeah," I lie. 

"Slash called me, he was worried about you," she looks concerned.  "Said he called your phone and Brett answered."

"You know, I misplaced my phone at work, I bet Brett picked it up, knowing it was mine," I lie some more. 

"What happened to your cheek?" she asks.

"You know me, I tripped and hit it on that bookshelf you gave me," I lie.  There is no book shelf, I hope she catches on.

"Well, I am here, you wanna go grab a bite to eat?" she suggests.

"Oh, I really can't," I lie again.  "I had some tuna salad earlier.  I have to get back to my homework, but thanks for coming by, Lin."

"Ok, talk to you soon," she says.  I shut the door in her face. 

I lean my head against the door.  Oh, please, let her catch on.

A hand grabs my hair and yanks my head back.  "Put your hands behind your back." he growls in my ear.  I do as he says, and the tears fall again as I hear him tear off some tape.  He wraps it repeatedly around my wrists. 

"Brett, I will go along with whatever you want," I insist.  "Without the tape."

"Shut up," he snaps.  This rewards me with a big piece of tape over my mouth.  What am I gonna do? He is really scaring me. 

I think he is gonna take me with him somewhere, but instead he pushes me back towards the couch.

"If I can't have you, then I will make sure nobody else will," he whispers before pushing me down on the couch.  I am terrified, as I watch him go into the kitchen.  I close my eyes and say a silent prayer that he will stop this.

He returns drinking a beer. He stands there, staring at me. I feel helpless, trapped. "What am I gonna do with you?" he says between drinks.  He walks over, and bends down beside me.  Without any warning he raises his hand and slaps me hard across my face.  Then he laughs and spits in my face.  "You are one pathetic little whore."

He stands up and walks back into the kitchen.  I close my eyes and hope for someone to come and save me.

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