chapter 46

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Like as a new mom is stressful.  But I am enjoying building a home here for me and Melody.  Slash had to leave to go back to L.A. for band stuff.  My mom comes by to help with the baby as often as she can.  Thankfully, my little girl is an easy going baby, and does not cry too much.  Still, I feel tired most of the time. 

I am rocking Melody when the phone rings.  I answer it quickly hoping to not wake her up.

"Hey beautiful," his voice is music to my ears. "How're my girls?"

"Good, we miss you," I say, smiling.

"I found a house here, I think you will love," he jumps righrt to the point.  "I want you to come and see it."

"Ok, I will see about getting tickets to fly out.  Traveling with the baby might be rough."

"No, the studio will fly you and Mel on their plane" he says.  "Can you come out tomorrow?"

"Sure" I agree. 

We chat for a few more minutes, then he has to go.  Arrangements are made and I will be heading to California in the morning.  I am excited about  seeing Slash.

Flying on a private plane is quite an experience.  Much nicer than commercial flights.  A limo takes me and the baby to the studuio where the band is recording.  The guys ooh and ahh over Melody.  They all take turns holding her, each one of these tough looking tattooed men cooing babytalk at her.  It is so sweet.

Slash tells me that Lindsey is going to babysit Melody so we can go see the house.  I trust my best friend with the baby, and it occurs to me that this is the first time I will be out anywhere without her.  Lindsey is excited to have Melody with her.  After we drop her off, Slash leads me to the car and he smiles as we drive off to see this house.

It is a really nice neihgborhood.  The house is big, two stories, a finished basement, an in ground pool.  It is beautiful.  I fall in love with the house instantly.  We are walking through the upstairs bedrooms.

"This can be Melody's room," he says, lookikng around one of the bedrooms.  "And this room across the hall can be for her baby brother."

I laugh.  "That room wll be empty for a long time," I giggle.

"Maybe, maybe not," he grins at me.  I love playful Slash. I have missed him.  A lot.

"This room is gorgeous," I say, entering the master bedroom.

"This will be our room," he nods. 

He takes a few quick steps towards me and as soon as he is close enough, he wraps his arms around me.  His perfect lips press to mine and I tangle my fingers in his hair.

"I love you, Wynn," he mumbles.  "I need you.  NOW."

His hands tug at my clothes and he pushes me up against the wall.  I wrap myself around him.  We make love standing there, me pressed against the wall.  Afterwards, we are curled up together on the floor.

"We should do that in every room," he suggests.

"Maybe we should buy the house first?" I laugh. 

"Right," he agrees.   He takes out his phone from his pants that are crumpled on the floor.  He makes a quick call to the real estate agent and tells them we will take the house. 

Things are nearly perfect in my world.  Too bad it was going to change.

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