chapter 13

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"Wynn," he whispers.

"No, no talking," I whisper back, breathless and feeling very light-headed.

"No, really," he says, putting his hands on my shoulders.  "Look, I don't want you to regret anything."

I sigh, and sit down on the bed. "You're probably right," I feel like I am going to cry.

"Baby," he says, sitting down next to me.  "I think you need to decide what you want."

"I know, I know," I say.  Then the tears start.  He wraps his arms around me and holds me against him as I sob.

He brushes away my tears with his thumb.  "Let's see that smile," he says.  I grin slightly.  "Much better."  He starts to get up, but I grab his arm.  I lean into him and press my lips to his neck.  He smells so good, his out of control curls tickle my cheek.  My lips move down to his chest, making a trail of kisses.  Suddenly he grabs handfuls of my hair and pulls my mouth up to his.  He kisses me hard and we fall back on the bed, him kinda laying next to me, but partly on top of me as well.  I wrap one leg over his leg, and I slip my arms around him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!"  I hear from the doorway. 

Slash and I jump apart, scrambling to untangle from each other.  There in the doorway to Slash's bedroom is Brett.  He is holding a bouquet of flowers and he looks both furious and sick.

"Brett!" I exclaim.  "I thought you left."

"Obviously!" he yells.  "How long has this been going on?"

"There is nothing going on," I try to convince him.

"Bullshit!  I come in here and find you whoring around! Don't deny it."

"Wait just a damn minute!" Slash demands. "Yeah, we kissed, but she is by no means whoring around.  You show her some fucking respect or get the fuck out."

"Respect?" Brett laughs.  "What do either of you know about respect?"  He tosses the flowers on the ground.  "I wanted to surprise you, Wynn.  I came back to ask you to marry me.  And this sonofabitch knew that I was gonna ask."

"Brett, calm down, let's talk about this," I try to calm him down.  "Let's go for a walk, and talk this over."  I feel shitty.  I need to fix this.

"No, Wynn, NO!"  he turns away.  "You can have her, man, whores are more your style than mine anyway." 

He storm out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.  I know I just broke his heart.  And that breaks mine.  I could have done things differently.  I should have had more control of myself.  I fall onto the couch and rest my head in my hands as I cry.

"Wynn, he will calm down," Slash says, rubbing my shoulder.  "He loves you.  Give him a little space to calm down, then I bet he calls you."

"I don't think I want him to call me," I say softly, then let the tears take over.

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