chapter 16

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I don't get much sleep.  Something feels very wong about this.  In the morning, before I leave, Brett gets out a small black box.  He hands it to me, and as I open it, he says, "Well, Wynn?  Wanna get married?"

Not the bells and whistles I expected from a marriage proposal, but then, we just had a big shake up.  I take the ring out and slip it on my finger.  Brett hugs me tight and tells me he loves me. 

I cry most of the drive home.  I know I can not stay at Slash's apartment.  I call Lindsey and  ask if I can stay with her, just until I get my own place.  She says yes, so I make a mental plan. I know I need to get my stuff from Slash's place.  I go there first thing.  I quickly grab my stuff and shove it into two suitcases.  I drag the bags to the door and hurry to double check my room.  When I come back out to the living room to go, he is standing there.

"Moving out?" he asks, and when he looks up at me, I see hurt in his eyes.

"Ummm, Yeah," I say.

"Without telling me?"

"I was gonna call," I say, softly.

I run my hand through my hair and he grabs my left hand.  He looks at my ring then releases my hand.  "Congratulations, I guess," he says as he turns from me.

"Slash?" I call to him.

"You need help carrying that out?" he offers.

"No, I want to talk to you," I say.

"Don't think there is much to say, Wynn," he sounds frustrated.

"Him and I have a histroy," I explain.

"You don't owe me an explanation," he says.  "I hope you know what you are getting in to."

"I am sorry, Slash, I never should have let myself get so close to you," I admit, sadly.  I pick up my bags and head out the door. 

I cry all the way to Lindsey's place.  As I am parking, I get a text.  It is from Slash.  It says "when he breaks your heart, i will break his face.  Then I will help you pick up the pieces."

This only makes me cry harder.  The logical part of me says that marrying Brett is the right thing to do.  If that is true, why does this feel so wrong?

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