chapter 7

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I drive Brett's car back to the apartment.  Slash whips his car in behind me, and he hops out, leaving the car running.

"Alright, sweetness," he says.  "You got 5 minutes to get in there and change your clothes.  Then get back out here.  I'll be waiting."  He winks and walks back to the waiting car.

The nerve of him.  I think to myself.  Thinking he can just dictate my day for me.  But I do indeed go insidce and change into some shorts and a t-shirt.  I go back down to the car.  He is leaning against the hood of the car, smoking a cigarette.

I hate cigarettes.

But he looks so hot.

"C'mon," he motions to the car, "get in." He opens the door  for me.  I slide in.  The car smells like him.  I close my eyes and breathe it in.  I feel him get in and start the car.

He drives towards the highway.

"Where are we going?"  I ask.

"I want to introduce you to someone," he says.

"Who?" I ask.  I am very curious.

"Someone very special," he shrugs.

We ride in silence for a while.  Eventually we are cruising through a nice little neighborhood.  I figured we were going to hang with his friends, or the band.  I doubt they are living around here.   He pulls the car into a driveway of a beautiful white house.  It looks kinda like a fairytale cottage.

"Put on your best smile, Wynnie," he grins before climbing out of the car.  He hurries over and helps me out.

"Where are we?" I ask.  He just grins.  He takes my hand and leads me to the house. 

He opens the front door and walks in, dragging me behind him.  No knock, no waiting for someone to let us in.  I feel a bit of a panic starting.  He holds my hand tighter and pulls me along behind him to the kitchen.  There is a beautiful lady sitting there, a cup of coffee in her hands.  She has her hair loose, and it is wild and curly, much like Slash's. 

"Hey, I was wondering when you were coming by," she smiles as she stands and pulls him into a hug.  "Who is this?" she asks, looking at me, her eyebrows raised.

"This is Wynn," he says, pulling me forward.  "Wynnie, this is Ola." He says, motioning to her.  "My mom."

His MOM!  Oh holy hell.  If I could wish for one thing in that moment it would be for a giant hole to appear in the floor and swallow me whole. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you," she says.

"Nice to meet you," I say, reaching out to shake her hand. 

"Mom," Slash says.  "You should know that one day, not soon, but some day, this girl right here is gonna be my wife."

"What?!" Ola and I both say at the same time.

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