chapter 45

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"She looks like you,"  Lindsey says as she gazes at my sweet baby daughter.  "But with Slash's lips."

"I am excited to be taking her home, finally," I grin.  The weeks here in the hospital have been long and exhausting. 

"I can not believe you are a mom," Lindsey sighs.  "How are things with you and Slash?'

"I know he messed up, but I love him," I shrug.  "We are trying to make it work."

"You gonna move back to Cali?" she asks.

"I think so, eventually.  I am still enrolled in college there," I have given this a lot of thought.

"You ready?" she asks.  I nod yes and pick up the car seat that Melody is tucked safely in. 

We walk together to the exit doors, right outside Slash is waiting with our car.  We get Melody buckled in and we are off to start a new chapter of our lives.  I am both nervous and excited.  We are supposed to be going back to my parents' house, but as I watch the scenery pass by I realize we are not heading in the right direction.

"We are here," Slash says, shutting the engine off.  "C'mon."

"Um, babe," I say, climbing out of the car, "this is a nice place, but its not my folks' house."

"I know," he smiles that gorgeous smile at me.  He carries Melody to the front door.  I follow, reluctantly.

He does not knock, just walks right in.  I shrug and follow him inside.  There is minimal furniture in the living room.  A chair, a couch and a television, nothing more.  I am confused as I look around.  The dining room is empty, I can see from where I stand, just inside the door.

"Slash," I whisper.  "It doesn't look like anyone is home.  Let's go and you can check back with them later."

"Wynnie," he says.  "Come here."

I walk over to him, and he wraps his arm around me.

"We ARE home," he smiles.

"Home?  Us?"  I am confused.

"I want us to go back to L.A., but I know I will be on tour a lot," he explains.  "When we get back there, we will find us a house to buy.  But I wanted you to have a place for us, for you and Melody to call home.  So when I am away, you can come back here whenever you want.  So, I bought you this house."

"You bought me a house?"  I am shocked.

"Yes," he smiles. "A home for us, here, near your family.  We will buy a house in L.A. when we get there."

"Oh my god, you bought me a house!" I hug him tightly.

"It needs furniture, I bought the basics, this stuff, a table, appliances and beds," he says.

"It is perfect," I say.   "You are so thoughtful."

"I promised to take care of you and Melody," he shurgs, shyly.  "And I mean to do just that.  Oh, and one more thing." 

I have walked over to the window, and I turn to look at him.  He walks over towards me, damn he is beautiful. 

"Wynnie," he says softly.   "I want us to be a family.  Officially.  I want you to be mine, all mine.  I want to spend my days and nights loving you.  Will you marry me?"

No moonlight or roses, he does not even get on one knee.  But he is perfect, and Iove him.  He holds out a velvet box, with a stunning diamond ring inside. 

"Yes!" I exclaim.  "yes, yes, yes, i will marry you!"

He slips the ring on my finger and we kiss.  Just then, Melody wakes up and starts to cry.  I go to get her a bottle, while Slash gets her out of her seat.  I smile as I gaze at them.  The man I love and our baby.  They are my world.

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