chapter 38

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Slash had to get back to the band and their tour.  He seemed very accepting of the idea of a baby.  This was a huge relief, as I now know that I am having this baby.

I have no upset stomach or any of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy.  I am just tired and hungry most of the time.  I stay busy with college and work, and Joy, of course. 

She has been spending her time in bars, usually picking up guys.  I am not thrilled with this, especially when she brings the guy home with her.  After she did this a few times, I had to put a stop to that.  Knowing everything I went through with Brett (who I had known for years), one would assume she would understand my reluctance to have strange men in and out of the apartment.  She pitched a fit, but got over it.

I am on my way to meet Slash now.  We are going to spend the weekend together.  The band's debut album was just released and is doing well.  Better than anyone anticipated.  I arrive at the arena just after they have taken the stage.  I stand in the crowd and watch them perform for part of the show.  They have an intensity, a hunger for the music that I have never seen before.  And my man is up there, playing his ass off.  He is amazing and looks so sexy. 

When he comes backstage after the show, I am waiting for him.  He is sweaty, and shirtless.  I run over and wrap my arms around him.

"Baby, I missed you," he says, as he hugs me tight.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaim.  "The show was incredible."

"Thanks," he says, smiling.  "Let me get a shower, then we can get some food."

"Sounds perfect," I say, kissing him before he leaves the room.

I make small talk with the guys and crew.  There are groupies all over the band, and I know some of them would be more than happy to get naked with my man.  Yet, I am not worried, I trust him.

He returns, looking fresh and clean.  He announces to the guys that we are going for food.  A couple of them tag along.  We have a lot of fun at the restaurant.  They tell me all sorts of stories from other shows.  It is a great time, just hanging here with them.  Eventually, Slash takes my hand and tells everyone we are going to the hotel.  I happily follow him, it is within walking distance and it is a warm, clear night.  We hold hands as we walk the short distance to the hotel.

We ride up the elevator, and walk to his room in silence.  I am so happy to be here with him.  Once in the room, he asks me how I am feeling, and how the baby seems to be doing.  He has a lot of questions, including if it is safe to have sex.  I smile as I tell him that it is totally safe.

He hands me a package. A box, about 10 inches square.  It is wrapped in shiny, red paper.  I tear it open and I feel myself blush.  I flashback to our first day we spent together, doing laundry and shopping.  He teased me about sexy, lacy panties, as I purchased plain cotton panties.  Here in the box is a matching bra and panty set. Red.  Lace.  Skimpy.

"Try it on." he suggests.

"I don't know if I will be comfortable in this," I laugh.

"That's ok," he says, kissing me softly.  "I doubt you will have them on for very long."

I take the skimpy undies to the bathroom and put them on.  They are skimpy, but fit perfectly.  I feel kinda sexy in them.  I brush my hair before going back out to him and what I am sure will be a night to remember.

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