chapter 50

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"Are you ready?" my dad asks, smiling at me.  "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Dad," I smile back.  I am very nervous.  He takes my hand and we begin the walk.  THE walk.  The walk that will forever change me, and my life.  The walk that will change me from being just me, to being someone's wife.  The walk that will officially make me, Slash and our  daughter a family. 

There are about 80 people here, we wanted it to be small and intimate.  Just our closest friends and family.   There are smiling faces watching me as my dad walks me to the gazebo where my man waits for me.   There are tears in his eyes as he passes my hands from his to Slash's.  He kisses my cheek then takes his seat next to my mom. 

The minister begins the ceremony.  Saying the words that are common at weddings.  I stand and hold hands with Slash.  He looks so handsome, his wild hair blowing in the wind, his smile just for me today.  When prompted to do so, we repeat the words that mean we are promising to love each other forever.  My hands are a little shaky as I slide the wedding band onto Slash's finger.  Soon the minister announces we are husband and wife and we kiss.  Everyone claps and cheers for us.  I am now Mrs. Saul Hudson. 

We have a small reception after the ceremony.   We have food, and cake, music and dancing.  Everyone congratulates us, and it is so much fun.    Slash and I share our first dance, ever, as husband and wife.  He holds me tight as we sway to the music. 

"Wynnie," he smiles down at me.  "You look gorgeous today. I am a lucky man."

"You, my love, are so handsome," I smile back at him.  "I love you so much."

"Kiss me, my sexy wife," he teases, then presses his lips to mine.

"You should know, I am not wearing any panties," I grin devilishly.

"Yes, I am a very lucky man, indeed," he laughs.

Our guests were kind and generous by bringing gifts to celebrate our marriage.  We cut the cake, open our gifts and dance for several hours.   My parents are taking Melody back to our house for a week, while Slash and I take a brief honeymoon.  I hug my daughter and tell her I love her before we leave.  Slash asked me to not change out of my dress, so I leave the reception in my dress.

He has booked a flight for Hawaii for the next morning.  Tonight, we are staying at a local hotel.  It is a fancy place, with a jacuzzi in our room.  There is a bottle of champagne chilling and rose petals scattered around the bedroom.  Slash carries me into the room, and directly to the bed.  He sits me down gently, then sits beside me.

"I have been waiting all day to get you out of that dress," he smiles, playfully.

"No more waiting, Slash," I sigh as I kiss his neck.  "I am all yours."

We get very little sleep.  In the morning we catch our flight and are off to Hawaii for a week.  I feel blissfully happy and so in love with this gorgeous guitarist.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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