chapter 27

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I open my eyes slowly,  as my mind starts to clear of the foggy feeling of just waking up.  Slash is still sleeping beside me.  I don't even try to stop the smile that spreads across my face.  I am so thankful that he is ok, and that he is willing to give me a chance to make this work.   I slip out of bed, quietly, and grab a shirt to cover myself.  Then I head to the kitchen.  There is not much to work with, but I manage to find the ingredients to make some french toast. 

I carry the tray with our breakfast on it to the bedroom.  I wake him with a kiss on his forehead.  He sits up and smiles.  We eat the french toast, then I cuddle up next to him.  He tells me that he is going to practice with the band later this afternoon, and he feels like his old self again.  I worry, but he promises to not overdo things. 

I have to work the lunch shift, then I plan on going to the grocery store to get stuff to stock the kitchen.  He drops me off at work, and heads off to do his band stuff.

Its slow at work, which makes for a long day.  About an hour before my shift is over, the door opens, and Patty tells me that the new customers have taken a table in my section.  I leave the exciting task of filling salt shakers and go to greet the customers. 

Its Brett.  Alone.  I almost turn around, thinking Patty can deal with him, but I don't.   I go to the table, out on my best fake smile and greet Brett.  

"Can we talk?"  he asks, after ordering a sandwich and pop.

"I am working," I dismiss his request.

"It's slow, just give me a minute," he pleads.

"Make it quick," I say, not even sitting down.

"I miss you," he begins.

"No," I interrupt him.  "If that is what you came here for, then just go.  What we had is over, Brett."

"Can we at least be friends?" he asks.

"No, I don't think we really can," I reply.  Then I walk away.  I return after a few minutes with his food. 

He eats his food, then leaves, without another word to me.  As I clear the table, I find a folded piece of paper on the table.  I unfold it and see that it is a note.  A note written to me.

     'Wynn,  I miss your smile, your laugh, your voice, your touch.  I miss YOU.  I know I messed up, in a big way.  But my heart is still yours.  Please, just give us a chance.  Do you really want to be with a drug addict?  That is not your lifestyle,  Wynn.  Please come back to me.  All my love- Brett."

I sigh, and shove the note in my pocket.  I was perfectly clear to him that I am done with him.  I finish my shift and take a bus to the store.  With my shopping bags in hand, I climb on the bus to head home.  As I settle into a seat, I think I see Brett standing by his car near the store.  I tell myself that I am imagining things, but my gut instinct is telling me that it was Brett and that he was watching me.

I put it to the back of my mind and think about Slash.  I hope he is feeling ok and not pushing himself too hard.

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