chapter 36

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Somehow, I manage to hide my sadness from him.  We spend the next days in our apartment, shielded away from the rest of the world.  I put the current situation out of my mind as much as possible and focus on enjoying my time with him.  Often I sit and watch him create music with his guitar.  He is so talented.  And he is so damn sexy.  When he catches me watching him, he gives me a shy little smile and I giggle every time. 

He is in taking a shower, and I am in the kitchen making us some dinner.  My phone rings and I grab it, quickly hitting the answer button.  "Hello," I say.

"Wynnie," I close my eyes.  Why is she calling?

"What do you want?" I ask, hoping to end the call quickly.

"Well, is that anyway to talk to me?"  she pouts.  "I just landed.  In L.A."

"What?!"  I am shocked.

"Yeah, I missed you and I am ready to spread my wings and fly," she explains.  "So, you gonna pick my up?  Help me find a place to stay?"

"I will come get you," I sigh.  "Give me about 30 minutes."  I hang up.

"Who's on the phone?"  Slash asks, as he walks into the kitchen.

"My sister," I sigh.  "She just arrived in town, wants me to pick her up."

"Cool.  Let me get dressed," he says.

"She does not know about you," I blurt out. 

"So, are we a secret?" he seems confused.

"No, not a secret," I say.  "I hate to say it, but her and I don't always see eye to eye."

"That is normal,I would think," he shrugs.

"I have to help her find a place to stay," I complain.

"She is family, let her stay here," he offers.

"Slash, my sister, my twin, she is a pain in the ass," I state.

"But still family, she can stay here," he says.  "Besides, I would feel a lot better about you being here if someone was staying with you."

"Alright," I reluctantly agree.

I wait for him to get dressed, then we head to the airport to get my sister.  It is crowded, and my head hurts.  I see her, all tall, thin and blonde.  Could we look more different? I go up to her and explain that a friend of mine is waiting in the car, so we did not have to battle the parking.  I carry one of her bags and lead the way to the car.  We toss her bags in the back seat, then I wait for her to get in.  She seems upset that I am making her sit in the backseat.

I make the introductions, being sure to call Slash my boyfriend.  I don't need her getting any ideas.   i also let her know that Slash insists that she stays with us at his apartment. 

She is thrilled.  I am dreading this.

And I still have the pregnancy situation to deal with.

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