chapter 8

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His mom was super nice.  We visited for a while, had lunch with her, then Slash said he had band practice.  As we were leaving, Ola hugged me and whispered to me, "Wynn, you are lovely.  And I can see in your eyes how much you care for my boy.  Be patient with him." 

I was quiet as we drove back toward home.  After a while, he broke the silence.

"My mom, she liked you," he said.

"Why did you take me there?" I asked. "And what was with the whole someday us being married shit?"

He said nothing at first.  Then he pulls the car into the parking lot of a school and turns to me.  "Wynn," he begins. "I guess I should have warned you before taking you to meet Mom.  But I thought if I told you, you would not go."

He is right, I would not have gone.

"Now, sweet lady," he says, as he reaches over and twirls a strand of my hair around his finger.  "Don't try to pretend that you are not attracted to me."

"Well...." I start, but he puts his finger up to my lips to shush me.

"If I had to guess, I would say that you want me almost as much as I want you," he grins as he says it.  "But you are Brett's girl, I get it." 

"I.... him and I.." I struggle for the right thing to say.

"He does not deserve you," he says, turning away.  "Trust me, he is not as much of a saint as he wants you to think."

"I have known him for a long time," I say, barely more than a whisper.

"Wynn," he sighs, as he starts the car and starts driving again.  "Do you love him?"

"Yes," I say.  I think I do, but I don't say that out loud.

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