chapter 39

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"Ugh, I look like a fucking whale," I complain. 

"You look beautiful," Slash says.  He walks over and wraps his arms around me. 

I am six months pregnant now.  The band is on a break from their tour, and are getting ready to make their next music video.  It has been great having him home with me.  If only Joy would find her own place.  In the past couple of months she has slept with three of Slash's bandmates. 

Slash's mom is having a fancy dinner that we are getting ready for.  I feel like maternity clothes all look like pajamas, so I have a dress that is in reality just two sizes larger than what I normally wear.  I have not see his mom since the first time we met.

"Give me a hug, boy," his mom says, as soon as we enter the house.  He gives her a big hug and kisses her cheek.

"You remember Wynn?"  He asks.

"Of course," she smiles at me.  Her eyes drift towards my baby bump.  "How are you?"

"Great, I am great," I smile at her.

"You look stunning," she says sweetly.  She again glances at my stomach.  I get the feeling that Slash has not told her about the baby.  "Dinner is ready, let's eat."

We follow her to the dining room, and take our seats.  The food is delicious, and I eat way too much.  As we finish up, I offer to help Ola clean up.  Slash goes into the living room with his brother and grandma.

"So, when is your precious baby due?" she finally asks.

"I am six months along, the baby is due in early December," I say, smiling shyly.

"I might be over stepping here, but I know you are precious to my son," she begins.  "Is the baby's father in the picture?"

"Very much," I answer truthfully.  "I am in love with the baby's father."

"Well, I guess that is good then," she sighs.  "Babies are a lot of work, and they need both parents."

"Umm, Ola," I interrupt.  "Can you come with me for just a minute?"

She follows me to the living room, where Slash is playing chess with his grandmother.

"Slash," I break the silence in the room.  "Is there something that you would like to tell your mother?"

He looks confused for a brief moment.  "Mom," he comes over to me.  He takes out his wallet and pulls out a folded piece of paper.  He unfolds it, and I see that it is a picture from the ultrasound of our baby.  He hands the picture to his mother, and takes her other hand in his.  He places her hand on my baby bump.  "Meet your granddaughter, Mom."

"You mean?" tears fill her eyes.  "I am gonna be a grandma?!  she hugs us both and starts to cry.  "You did not tell me, and I thought she was still with the other guy."

"No, Mom, we have been together for a while now," he smiles, taking my hand.  "She could not resist me."

We share the news with his brother and grandmother.  There are hugs all around.  Everyone seems so excited to welcome this new baby into their family. 

"So, Saul," his grandmother says, she is the only one who calls him by his real name.  "When are you getting married?"

"We have not talked about marriage," he says, squirming uncomfortably.

"Well, you better start!" she snaps.  "My great-grandchild will be born to a married couple!"  She gets up and leaves the room.  I look at Slash, my eyes wide.  I feel as if the pregnancy is offensive to her.

"I'll talk to her," he says, as he follows her from the room.

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