The last time

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Start of 7th year
A weekend just after Lily has come out of the hospital wing after the argument with Snape in chapter 4. And the last time that James saw Mr and Mrs Evans. Lily has been allowed home for the weekend to see her parents and is not home yet.

"How is she" a worried Mrs Potter asks as she pulls me into the house. "She's fine all healed and perfectly healthy" I reply with a weak smile. "Oh dear I bet that was horrible for you" she says rubbing my arm. "Yeah, it really was I felt so helpless, so useless to her" my voice is becoming shaky and my breathing has gotten faster at the memory of Lily bleedIng in my arms. "Hey like you said she's okay now right" Mrs Evans says guiding me to sit down.
"And She'll be here later tonight" I ask taking a seat.
"Yeah around 4:00am I think" Mrs Evans replies.

Once Mr Evans came home we explained everything  and reassured him that Lily really was okay. They said she'd already written to them but lil doesn't like to feel like a burden on anyone so she's unlikely to say when she really is hurt.
Once we had eaten some lunch we all sit out in the garden.
We've managed to come back to the painful subject of Lily being hurt and although it's painful to talk about they have a right to ask all the questions they want to. "You know you love her now right" Mrs Evans says as more of a statement than a question. "Yea I do, I really do, I think Iv always known but being so close to loosing her just made me realise it, I promise I'm always going to take care of her, nothing like that is ever going to happen again. Not as long as I'm alive. I know we're not together yet and you might think it's ridiculous because I'm so young but I'm going to do what ever it takes to make her happy, there's never going to be anyone for me but her, and Iv decided I'm going to tell her soon and even if she turns me away I'll still always take care of her" I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and I turn to see a teary eyed Mrs Evans looking straight at me.
Mr Evans wraps his arm around his wife's shoulder and forces a smile. "We're not stupid James we know what's going on, that there's someone who's gaining power, someone who's a threat to people like Lily with families like us. And that this person could well be the end of us. And" suddenly a clock chimes. 4:00pm Lily's going to be home any moment. "Oh no" I shout standing up.
Both Mr and Mrs Evans eyes grow wide and they share a worried glance.
"Right come on you've got to go son she can't find you here yet" Mr Evans exclaims as he gestures towards the door.
"Right yeah" I agree as I hurry out, I grab my coat from the hook beside the front door and throw it open. But just as I'm about to leave I remember that I didn't get the here what Lily's dad was going to say to me. "Wait what were you going to say" I ask quickly, just as the sound of a door opening comes from the back of the house and Lily's voice rings through the hallway. "Mum dad I'm home"
"Next time okay" Mr Evans says with a smile and pat on my back.
"Okay bye" I whisper.
"Bye sweetly" Mrs Evans says happily.

I reluctantly race out and uncover my carefully hidden broom underneath a pile of leaves. I'll hair have to finish this convocation with them next time. I hope it was good. What if they were going to say they didn't want me to be with their daughter, what if they think I'm bad for her, oh Merlin I don't know if I can wait to find out. No I'll have to, there's always next time right.
I catch a glimpse of a smiling Lily coming in and greeting her parents through the window as I prepare to leave. Merlin she's beautiful, I can't bare the thought of her not being with me any longer.

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