Try your best Potter

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James's pov
"Lil you'll be fine" James reassures me as he runs his hand up and down my back.
I lean into him and take a deep breath.
"Okay lets go"
We walk out of my room and down the stairs where we're greeted by all our friends, or who I'll hope will still be my friends.
"Hey guys" James smiles widely pulling me close to him.
"Oh lil" mar beams running up and pulling me into a hug.
I'm confused by her Gesture, isn't she annoyed with me?
I look up at James with questioning eyes.
"They came back after you fell asleep and made me tell them everything" he says stepping back to I can properly hug Mar.
"I'm so sorry we didn't notice sooner we were just so..well" I can see she's struggling with what to say, she doesn't want to upset me by saying that they were so annoyed by what they thought I'd done to James, what they believed I could do that they didn't really contemplate my sudden change in character.
"It's okay, I get it you all care about James.
You were to angry to realize" I say with a weak smile.
"We really are sorry" Alice steps forward and joins in on our hug.
"It's okay"
"Uh kind of being squished here" I laugh as I attempt at getting out of their grasp.
"Hey let lily-flower get to who she clearly wants to" Sirius smirks.
"Yeah Remus Lily wants you" mar calls to Remus who's standing just behind her.
We all laugh at Sirius acting offended by putting his hand to his heart before he breaks into a smile and pulls me into a hug.
"Good to have the real you back" he grins wrapping his arms around me dramatically.
"Thanks Sirius"

After everyone had hugged me and told me how sorry they were it was time for me and James to go and see Dumbledore.
James spoke the password confidently and a large statue griffin was revealed by a turning staircase which we walked up to arrive in the office.
Iv always loved how extravagant Dumbledore is.

"Professor" James asks.
"Ah yes James, Miss Evans " he greets us.
"Good morning professor" I smile at him.
"How are you feeling Lily dear?"
"I'm fine, just glad to be back here" I say looking up to James briefly.
"I bet everyone else is too,
Now if you could explain everything you remember"
I tell him what happened and go through every detail of my day, from the moment Mar and Alice left me until I was awoken by James and brought back here.
He takes a moment to process everything iv said before replying.

He's sitting at his desk peering over the top of his glasses as he taps the dark wood with his finger tips.
"It seems to me miss Evans that you were specifically picked out for yours and Mr Potters talent. You are quite clearly seen as I threat by your fellow students and for those who are planning on joining Voldemort an even greater one if you choose to go against them"
Am I really that much of a threat?
He and James talk some more about what he remembers and when he realised it wasn't me.
He didn't quite give the speech he gave me but it was along the same lines.
Dumbledore smiled as he explained and I could almost sense how proud he was of James.
He's always been especially nice to us both and made and effort with talking to us, he's one of the people I'll genuinely really miss when we leave.

"Thank you for coming today and I'll make sure to get in touch with what will be happening to Miss Black."
He says as me and James leave his office.
"Thanks professor"
James calls as we descend the stairs.

"Well he seemed to believe me at least" James looks down at me with his eyebrows raised.
"Lil it's Dumbledore of cause he believed you" he laughs.
"Yeah well I'm just saying" I defend with a small smile.
I can't even explain how much I missed James even being away from him for just a day.

"Come on we better get to class" I tell him leading the way to transfiguration.

We arrive only 10 minutes after the lesson has begun and I'm planning to make a quiet entrance but of apparently that's not James's thing.
"Good morning my fellow students do not fret I am here" he bellows as he throws open the door and puts his arms out above his head.
Everyone in the class laughs and a few clap, Sirius looking especially excited.
"Yes thankyou Mr Potter now if you'll kindly take your seat or do you need to announce your presence to the whole school?"
Mcgonagall asks starting at him over the rim of her classes with a small repressed smile.
"Oh no thanks professor I think iv made my entrance" he says with a cocky grin sitting down next to Sirius who high fives him.
I sit down next to James but I can already hear the whispers making me want to run back to the dorm.
"What's he doing back with her?"
"Agh she's unbelievable"
"How can he forgive her"
"Excuse me but if anyone has anything they'd like to share I'm sure we'd all be glad to hear it" Mcgonagall says to the class.
Everyone is silent.
"No? Well then if we could continue. Page 42 in your books"
She stops on the way walking back to her desk.
"Im glad to have you back and safe miss Evans"
She smiles with a small nod of her head.
"Thank you professor" I reply.

After transfiguration I had potions and now a free period but James has quidditch practice so I'm going to go and watch him.

"You're going to be cold" James states as we make our way down to the pitch.
Before I can reply he's taken off his scarf and wrapped it around my shoulders.
"No problem" he smiles warmly.
He's already gotten changed and we're met by most of the team who are already there.

"Right get a move on ladies" James jokes as he hops on his broom and speeds off.
"Excuse me, some of us are a lady" Mar scolds as she throws her hair up in a ponytail.
"McKinnon you're about of much of a lady as I am" one of the team members laugh.
"Watch it archebold" Sirius warns with a small amount of humour as he glares at the boy, who while looks slightly scared laughs and holds his hands up in a surrender.

I make my way up to the stands and pull out one of my books. Although I don't expect I'll get much reading done.
I'm completely mesmerised by James, he looks so amazing flying around, almost graceful yet powerful.
He's born to be a leader, the way he instructs his team and how easy he can fill in, in almost every role.
Although he's normally pretty laid back, when he gets on the quidditch pitch he changes into a natural captain.

I'm so enchanted by him I don't even realise that the practice is over. I'm gathering up my things and about to head down to meet everyone when he appears straight in front of me with a smug look on his face.
"Need a lift" he asks with his signature smirk.
"Uh no thanks" I laugh walking past him.
He flies around so he's in front of me again.
"Don't you trust me" he asks acting offended.
"Actually no"
"Come on"
"Please" looking at his sad expression I can hardly say no, god I must be mad.
I sigh and throw my bag over my shoulder
Causing him to grin, he already knows iv given in.
He puts his hand out for me to take and I stand up on the edge of the stand. Wow it's a lot higher up that I thought.
I wince at the thought of going any further.
"I'm trusting you Potter" I laugh nervously.
"You better hold on to me"
"Always" he grins.
I roll my eyes at him and take a hold of his other hand.
He moves back on the broom so I can slip in in front of him.
James wraps his arms around me and holds onto the end of his broom tightly.
"Ready" he whispers in my ear.
"Mmh" I mumble.

He lets out a small chuckle before leaning forward and racing towards the ground.
"Ahhhhh James" I scream turning into his arm so I can't see the speed we're going at.
He laughs as slows down a bit.
Finally we reach the ground once he's done a few loops of the stands and circled the team twice.
I wait for James to get off and let him help me down.
"See it wasn't that bad was it"
I stare at him in disbelief
"Yes it was and I will not be doing it again" I tell him walking past and not stopping for him to catch up.
"I'll get you up there again" he grins.
"No you won't" I laugh. There's no way
"Try your best Potter" I smirk sarcastically.
"Oh I will" he shouts back to me.

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