Tuesday, July 19

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Dear Diary:

I did not write that by the way, It was already printed at the top of the page.

So... I don't even know why I'm writing in you. Norway just bought you at this super cheap store a block away from where we're staying for some odd reason. How nice.

Now, diary, let me introduce myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Emil Steilsson, the "human representation of Iceland", as most nerds like to say.

Right now, I'm sitting in my room, listening to music while Mr. Puffin, my pet, incase you didn't know, diary, is bugging the crap outta me because "Diaries are stupid". I had to throw a potato at him so he would shut up.

Now, here come the personal problems.

When people think of the Nordics, they think of Denmark, the guy who has gravity defying hair and a weird obsession over Legos. The fun guy, to resume.

They also think of Norway, the guy who likes magic, weird creatures, coffee and butter. The serious one, maybe.

They think of Sweden, the guy who can't have enough of Ikea, an intimidating man who obviously has something for Finland. Maybe the serious one too.

They think of Finland, they guy who is- you probably got the point, diary. But, when they think of me... they just think of licorice and puffins. That's it. They all have personalities but, here I am, not giving a damn about that and being as boring as a piece of cardboard. Maybe that's the reason of why I'm writing in you in the first plac-

Mr. Puffin just broke my fan by throwing ice cubes at it. I am melting. THANK YOU MR. PUFFIN FOR RUINING MY DAY.

Summer is horrible here in America. Why am I in America, you may ask? Well, there was a world meeting here yesterday so we had to stay at this cheap hotel for a week. The A/C doesn't even work. A repair man came to fix it but when he opened it there was a dead rat stuck in one of the tubes. I could of sworn that I heard Sweden scream. It must of been my imagination.

My room is small, like, very small. I can lay across the room and touch both walls. That's how small my room is. Mr. Puffin had to go outside for a while because he got dizzy and threw up in a corner. I think I'm going outside too.

So, diary, when I went outside I saw Norway talking to China, Switzerland and England. "WHAT?" you may be thinking. But calm, they always do that a day before traveling home. Switzerland says that the airline that he and his sister... I can't remember her name, well nevermind. He and his sister take some kind of airline that makes a huge discount when more than 10 people travel together. Somehow, it's cheaper that way, so he decided to invite us, China and his brother who I have never met and England and his little brother Sealand, who comes to our house once a week and eats all my licorice.

They were talking in a frustrated tone. I could tell that something was wrong. I heard something about 7 people and "There's no more space". I have no idea what's going on. Norway suddenly turned and saw me. He wants to tell me something. Oh no... I'll be right back diary, I'll just see what he wants.


I am very angry. I'm packing my bags now. Mr. Puffin is in a cage rambling about how bad it is to keep birds in cages or something, I'm not sure anymore. I bet you want to know what happened, am I right? Well, Norway explained that there were only 7 seats left in the plane, but somehow the discount lowered to "More than 5 people in a group". Switzerland bought the tickets anyways (with our money, of course) so that means that four of us will have to stay. They all decided that China's brother, Switzerland's sister, Sealand and I would be the lucky idiots that will stay here until one of them can come back for us. Who knows when that will be.

I finished packing my bags. I have to go out and get on the bus now, I hear Finland calling me downstairs. Sorry diary, but I'm not gonna be able to do a fancy closing like most people in their diaries due to the lack of time, but, I will answer a question that you probably want to know the answer of. Where am I going? Well... you see...

They enrolled us in summer camp.

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang