Wednesday, September 21

576 51 9

Dear Diary:



I'm disappointed.

Anyways,  today Hantamago ran away.

"What the fuck did you do, Iceland? "

Well... I'll tell you.

Finland was making cookies and Hantamago was constantly bothering him,  sticking her paws in the batter. So he told me to take her for a walk. I dragged Mr. Puffin along too, since the little puffin was sleeping.

We went to a little dog park,  close to where I fell the other day (I didn't write it because it was embarrassing). 

Mr. P: Why don't you let her run free a bit?

Me: Good idea!

So I let go of the leash and she started running around in circles,  wagging her tail and yapping like crazy. But then,  a big dog appeared and barked loudly. Hanatamago almost shat herself and ran away. The dog chased her and it's owner did nothing. Mr. Puffin tried to stop the dog (because he isn't afraid of anything... except eagles). He did stop it,  but Hanatamago kept running and we couldn't find her.

We searched all day for her,  everywhere. Mr. Puffin even went inside a strip club to see if she was there. He took a little too long.

We went back home. Finland asked us where Hanatamago was.

Finland: Where's Hana?

Me: ........

Mr P: She ran away and we couldn't find her 

Finland: ......

Me: ......

Mr P: But,  good news! There's a group discount at the strip club.

Finland cried. And I ran because Sweden was going to kill me and sell my organs to the black market.

After a while,  fortunately Sweden didn't kill me,  we all started looking for Hanatamgo.  Sweden and Finland went to the park to see if they had any luck finding her. Norway and I search around the city,  and Mr. Puffin went to search in the strip club again with Denmark.

Norway got mad and slapped Denmark. Mr Puffin laughed.

After hours of useless searching,  we couldn't find her. Finland started crying again. I think Sweden was internally crying. I started crying too because I can't stand seeing people cry.

If you cry,  I cry. I can't help it. We all started crying. Mr. Puffin was laughing the whole time.

I don't feel guilty because this is all Mr. Puffin's fault.


Hey! We found Hanatamago.  Thing is,  she ran back home... and we spent the whole day searching for her likely a bunch of idiots around the city...


We found her inside the oven.


And someone had left it open,  so she just ran in and ate all the cookies that were inside...


Now I'm starving.

So... now I'm grounded again for letting her run away.

And Mr. Puffin is laughing again.

I think I was right about the whole "universe getting together"  thing.

Rest in piss,  Iceland.


This chapter was SHIT!
Wasn't it?!

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora