Sunday, July 24

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Dear Diary:

Why was I so stupid two days ago? What was wrong with me??? Why am I still writing in this??!!

So, since I couldn't really tell you what happened yesterday I'll explain it all right now.

After we got out of there, we went to a park nearby and celebrated our freedom for a bit. But.... then we realized... where would we go? We knew no one here, we didn't know where we were and we only had a few pieces of licorice and forty-five dollars. We couldn't go back to the camp since we're all too proud to recognize that we were wrong so...

We're as lost as a blind dog in the sea.

Since we didn't have any other choice, we had to walk. The camp was in the middle of nowhere, so it was just grass and dirt for who knows how many miles. We walked for a few years (that's what it seemed like) until we saw a train track.

Me: We should probably follow it.

HK: Are you crazy? We might like, get hit by a train or something!

Me: I'm not so stupid to let myself get hit by a train. We'd hear it....maybe.

Mr. P: We should follow the tracks since trains usually go to cities or towns. In other words, civilization!

HK: Hm... well alright. But if I die, I'll kill you.

I felt like one of those people who illegally try to walk into other countries for some reason.

We followed the train tracks to wherever they led. A few minutes later, Mr. Puffin started singing "Stand by Me". A minute later, Hong Kong joined. I joined too after a while since I was the only one that wasn't singing. I think that this week changed me somehow. I'm not sure.

It got dark faster than I expected it to. The train tracks were endless. I wanted to go to sleep but we continued walking so we could get to some town or city fast.

The sky at night is wonderful. Hundreds and millions of stars shined above us. The moon was guiding our way through the darkness as we walked. Diary, I never knew how big the moon could actually look. I'm almost afraid to look at the sky. It's so big that it makes me question my existence and everything. Somehow, I feel even more lost by just staring at it, but at the same time, I never want to stop looking at it.

Mr. Puffin flew above us, gazing at the sky while me and Hong Kong talked. I never knew that I could have so many things in common with one person. We're the same hight (I think that he's an inch taller) we're almost the same age too, we have the same weird taste in music, we both have annoying big brothers (even though I didn't want to admit it) and lots of other things. I know that this is a bit early to say, but I think that I found my new best friend in this world.


I woke up a few hours later. Of course that we didn't sleep on the train tracks. We're not so stupid. We found a barn a few feet away from the tracks. It looked abandoned so we spent the rest of the night there. It was really cold so we sorta had to sleep all together since the only thing that was in there was dry hay. (I did enjoy the sleeping together par


Where was I? Oh yeah. Hay looks more comfortable in movies. It isn't. At all.

After that interesting night (I definitely have to buy a lock for this) we kept on walking a bit more. YES WE KEPT WALKING AND WALKING SO I'LL JUST SKIP TO THE PART WHERE WE ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN WALK.

We found a city a few hours later. It looked really abandoned. Sorta like the city in TWD game, except that Lee and the others weren't there. That guy seems nice. I hope he doesn't die or something.

All the buildings and houses were boarded up and we had nothing to pry them open with, and since luck is always with us, it started raining.


So here we are now. I'm sitting under a picnic table, writing in my pathetic little boy diary along with my two friends.

I'm cold. Really cold. We're all wet too. It's night time so we have to sleep under the damn table all night.

Leaving aside all the rants... I wonder why destiny got us all together in the first place. Maybe destiny has something big planned for us. I'm not sure, but it better be. I can't feel my legs anymore.

They're both constantly looking at me as I'm writing in you, diary. They want to write something too. I'm not letting them since I've see their handwriting and it's not understandable at all.

Alright, I'm done writing in you for today. I hope that tomorrow is a better day. I think that I'm starting to regret leaving a little less as the minutes go by.


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat