Saturday, May 20

341 34 10

Dear Diary:

It's 5 am

The party was great...

Tho I gave Liechtenstein the music I wanted to play in the party and she said

Liechtenstein:  Hm... This really isn't danceable music

Me: Everybody dances to Uma Thurman, what you talking about?

Liechtenstein: Of course, but the rest... who knows these bands?

Me:  *triggered*

Liechtenstein: I'll just use my playlist with music that you can actually dance to. Electronic, dubstep and trap

Me: Not saying anything against that, but you gotta use a wider variety of music-

Liechtenstein: I'LL USE THAT MUSIC


I didn't dance because I'm too proud to dance to somebody else's music :v

And... I really don't remember much other than sitting down and not doing anything... Drinking juice and stuff...

Sorry for disappointing but like... that's it....


May 30th

Dear Diary~

Today was that amazing party I talked about so much. It was INSANE! Everyone danced and had a great time! Especially Icey.

He walked up to me this morning with his phone and a cable saying: "Hey, we're gonna use this music at the party" It was all... um...It was ok, just not party music. So I told him: "Um, I don't think anyone can dance to that music-" and he just replied "BUT THIS MUSIC IS GREAT I LIKE THIS MUSIC"  It's really hard to change his mind, so I simply said "I was thinking of using some electronic, dubstep and maybe trap music... But, I can throw in some of your songs if you want..."

He didn't even say "Thank you" or anything... he turned around and just left, nodding.  But I can't get mad at him, that's just the way he is, though he will never admit it.

Back to the party, the three of us worked very hard trying to fix everything in time. When we were finished, it looked amazing! There were a bunch of different colored lights and those that flash when you dance so it looks like everyone's dancing in slow motion! ^^  There was also food and drinks, and maybe some beer... but I had a gun so nobody was gonna be messing around if   I was there :)

10 minutes after the party began, everyone was dancing, except Iceland. I know he was pretty upset about not having his music and declined when Hong Kong invited him to dance, but after a while, he got up on his own and boy-  the kid's got some mighty fine dance moves.

By the way, I also danced a bit... but then some boys started bothering me... and I had to sit down....Don't worry though! My friends shoved the boys' faces down the toilet.

Gotta clean the bathroom later...

I was watching Ice and Hong dance for a while. At first, everything was fine. Just two boys dancing normally. Then, Hong Kong left and returned with two cups of what at the moment I assumed was orange juice. They kept dancing and dancing... their dance moves started getting sloppier...

Then I remembered we had no orange juice at the party.

So....They did some rather interesting stuff....At first they just ate, then.... I don't even know, just danced or something...

... And then they had drunk sex in my big brother's room.

Another thing I have to clean up  :(

As for me, I had plenty of fun! I talked to Seychelles, who was also having lots of fun, and then I talked a bit with Sealand (Who wasn't invited, but he snuck in)

Sealand changed a lot since the last time I saw him. We have a few things in common, and he's really funny, too. Hopefully, if we keep in touch, we'll be great friends in no time!

The party ended an hour ago (It's 4 am) I'm still here... cleaning up while the other two sleep...

I'm probably going to ask them to go back home or just... stay there...

I think that last option sounds better...


If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, yes. Iceland for some reason took his diary with him...

That or he just wrote that down on a piece of paper and glued it to his diary when he got home

Whichever you prefer

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now