Friday, March 3

412 28 24

Dear Diary:

Today I found a random cat on the street

I'm not really a cat person but the cat looked so kind and hungry so I gave it a bit of food that I had for... reasons

And it followed me home

Totally wasn't expecting that

The cat literally just walked into our house and fell asleep on the rug

Finland: ...... Why is there a cat on the rug??

Me: I fed it and it followed me



So now it's ours and his name is Dingo

Dingo is really not kind AT ALL.  He's weird and does weird random stuff like stare at dirt and sit on Hana and ride her like a horse

Dingo also chases us around the house when we get close to his rug (Now it's his...)

Just so you know, he's brown with a few stripes. His eyes are sorta greenish brownish, I have no idea.  He attacks you when you stare at him for too long

For some reason,  Dingo adopted me as his slave and now I have to feed him and do whatever he wants

Fortunately,  he doesn't eat all of my candy and leaves me two or three pieces of licorice (Apperantly,  he eats licorice too)

So now we have a dog,  a puffin,  a Dane,  three goats and a cat....


-Slave n° 1

A/N:  (?)

So yeah...I watched too many cat videos today

Anyways,  you probably already read yesterday's Q&A

You may be wondering why the hell I'm making another one

Simple: I forgot to add a question yesterday and I felt so guilty that I couldn't sleep at all

So yep.

You can leave a question if you want here,  or wherever idk

I'll probably write it tomorrow...

B y e

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now