Monday, August 29

666 45 11

Dear Diary:

Seriously.  Why am I still writing in you?


It rained today.  My room got a bit flooded because I left the window open.  The water's really wet,  you know? I blame global warming.

You know that moment when you're really bored and you start eating random things from the fridge because you can? Well, that's how we ran out of cheese and cookies. I don't regret anything at all.


Now I have to go to the store and buy more. UGH. I'll be right back.


I am so angry right now.  Okay, so there I was,  in line to buy some freaking cheese, and then suddenly this guy just comes out of nowhere and cuts in line.  You can't just do that.  The worst part, is that he had a bunch of things in his shopping cart.   He practically bought the whole store. AND WORST OF ALL,  the cashier was seriously taking his time. All I wanted... was to buy cheese and cookies... but I ended up waiting twenty extra minutes in line because of that idiot and his fucking groceries.

After waiting forty days and forty nights,  I finally came out of the store- but wait,  here's the funny part.  I crossed the street,  like a normal person,  and I accidentally dropped everything... on the road...where cars pass.


I literally didn't give a shit about it,  so I just left it there.

A present from me,  to the world.


I don't know what to write about anymore. Soooo I'm just gonna stop writing in you.  Forever.  It's been really fun and all,  seriously. But I just ran out of ideas,  okay? I'm really sorry. Ok goodbye forever.

I just broke the window trying to open the closet door. 

I guess I still got things to write about.  Written sigh.



*screams because short update*

Um... hi... I KNOW THE UPDATE'S SHORT BUT OMG- my brain can not think anyone.  Sorry for it being so short...

Besides that,  I wanted to thank you guys for all the views and votes. I honestly thought this would get like zero votes and only one view (mine) and I would end up deleting it like the rest of my stories that don't get views after a day- oOPS

So yeah.  Also,  notice the chapters are getting crappier.  I mean,  you sorta run out of ideas after updating (almost)  every single day for a month.  But eh-  So... yeah,  that's sorta everything I wanted to say  .___.  Well,  I guess I'll be seeing you guys in tomorrow's update.

May lord Doitsu enlighten your path ^-^


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now