Thursday, September 15

636 52 25

Dear Diary:

I suck at playing football.

And no,  it's not ""soccer"" like everyone says. It's football. Foot-to-ball.  I can't be clearer than that.

Anyways,  today was a sunny day so I got my old football ball(?  out to play a bit with Hong Kong and Sealand.

Translation: Finland found my old football ball and forced us three to go outside and play since the only thing we did since yesterday was play video games and use our phones.
We found a little park with lots of grass,  fortunately,  so we stayed there.

HK: I don't think this is a good idea... do you like,  remember the last time we played soccer?

Me: Yes I do,  and it's football. Not soccer.

Sealand:  Football.

HK: Whatever.

Me: Do you know how to play, Sealand?

Sealand: England was going to teach me...

HK: England said he was going to teach me too....

Me: ...... I'll take that as a no.

I'm not a professional, but I can kick a ball... and fall a bit in the process.

So we started playing. It was a free game since there couldn't be any goalkeepers with just three people.

Sealand:  aaaaaaaaand- TOUCHDOWN!

HK: Sealand,  this is not football.

Sealand: It's not?

Me: Yes it is, but this isn't American football?

HK: Is this Icelandic football?

Me: What-

Sealand: I think it is!

Me: Guys-

HK: I get it now!  Iceee~,  what kind of totally awesome rules does Icelandic football have?

Me: You kick the ball-

Sealand: Like this?!

And he kicked the ball and it flew up to my face. I passed out.

However... I woke up on top of a bench... and they were both crying. I couldn't help but hear their conversation.

Sealand: H-He was so YOOOOOOUNG!

HK: I-I came to love him a lot a-after these short but- lONG months... too much- WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE??

And he started sobbing uncontrollably.

Sealand: Wait so yo-....

HK: ....


And the continued crying like hell.

Me: I'm not dead-


Sealand: M-Me too...

Me: I'm alive-

HK: Yes you are, Icey... In our souls...




We gave up with football,  soccer,  kick the fucking ball- however you want to call it and we just went back home to play video games and watch YouTube.

Sealand made us watch this... disturbing video of a red dude,  a penguin thing and a yellow cheeto puff or something. I am mentally traumatized. Apparently,  I was the only one who didn't watch it yet,  because Hong Kong and Sealand were singing the dumb song during the whole video.

I'll never be the same.


So,  Finland made cookies for some reason. I don't want to admit it,  but he makes the best cookies ever. So I ate one. And another. And another. Then half the batch. And then the rest.

Finland thinks Sealand did it and now he's grounded. I don't even feel guilty. It was worth it.

I shouldn't have eaten all the cookies. My stomach really hurts and now I'm sleepy because of the warm milk I drank.

I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep at any moment. I might as well lay on my bed and wait till I fall asleep or something. I don't feel like smashing my face against the desk right now. Nobody does. Ever.


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now