Friday, September 2

761 59 55

Dear Diary:

I insist,  the water's wet.


It's about 1 am.  I think.  My phone ran out of battery at 12 so I'm not sure.  Rip.

I'm actually really not tired right now,  you know? Oh- also, we were sorta low on tents,  so we had to share tents....

This is the moment where you think "Oh,  he's totally sharing the tent with Hong Kong".

But no, I'm not.  I got forced into sharing tents with Norway....and Denmark.

Kill me now.

Luckily the tent's big,  so I'm "sleeping"  in a little corner. I think they both forgot that I'm here,  though...

Let's just say that.

I can't sleep.


Okay,  so today I "woke up"  (I couldn't sleep at all) at... I have no idea what time it was,  but instead of giving me breakfast,  they gave me lunch.  I sorta got a hint there.

Today SOMEBODY had the brilliant idea to say  "Hey!  How about we go on a nature walk?"

As expected,  everyone said yes,  so we headed into the woods... or forest.... I don't know the difference.  All I know is that there were trees.  I seriously have no idea.

We walked for a while,  I'd say an hour or so. We were all in group, for some reason...until I tripped and fell because of a stupid tree root.  It wasn't square. 

I am not good with jokes.

I just sorta stayed there on the floor,  because it was lonely and it needed a hug.

I sat up- and everyone was gone.  Hm... typical scenario where everyone disappears and you get attacked by a group of cannibals that ate your friends and you get kidnapped.

I was about to get up on my own,  when someone tapped my shoulder from behind.

HK: Need help?

Me: AHHHHHHHH-  um... no?

HK: .....

You do NOT sneak up on people like that.

Me: Where's everyone?

HK: They left.

Me: And you stayed to help me?

HK: Yes,  sir.

Me: ......

HK: ...... boop.


Me: So we're lost?

HK: ........I was sorta hoping you knew the way back.

Me:  ..........

HK:  ....... you don't?  Aw man,  I didn't want to get lost today.

I did.  Seriously.

I got up and we sorta started wandering around the forest/woods/whatever the fuck it's called. 

The sun was shining bright in between the trees as the cool summer breeze blew. A few birds flew by,  chirping, as we walked. 

HK: I got a question.

Me: Hm?

HK: Wanna become canon?

Me:'re asking me to-

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now