Sunday, September 11

640 51 35

Dear Diary:

Help me.

Today I was supposed to go to Hong Kong's house.  Yes?  You remember that, diary,  right?

First,  I don't even know how I managed to get there since it was SO FUCKING FAR-

Let's say,  I got up at 6 am and got there at 2. Pretty far, am I right? Don't ask how I got there... I don't even know myself.

Okay,  okay, so I went to the address he told me to go to (I'm useless so he helped me on the phone)  Big house. Bigger than mine at least.  I knocked politely,  because yeah.  The door opened and-

China: WHY ARE YOU SO LAT- .....I-I'm sorry. Wrong kid.

Me: .......


After that- yes,  I brought my diary to his house. SUCK IT- as I was saying,  after that interesting moment at the door,  he let me in... after interrogating me with personal questions.  I'm still traumatized.

Hong Kong was sitting on a couch eating chips,  drinking soda and watching TV.  A show about a kid and a yellow dog. I didn't understand the language. I sat next to him on the couch. I think he did not see me walking up to him because he jumped a little and almost died.


Me: Hello

HK: Um- Hi!

Me: "Um"?

HK: You almost killed me.

Me: Hm

The most awkward conversation in forever.

China: I'll be leaving to the... uh..."market".... for three hours. Maybe more. Don't break anything and don't die,  understand?

Me: Sure-

HK: Yeah,  whatever..."master"

China: Shut your ass.

And China left.

HK: Liar-

Me: What?

HK: He's going to see that "Russia"  guy. It's like,  the fourth time this week.

I do not know what to think of that.

His house is pretty neat and big compared to mine. Lots of nice paintings cover the walls. They have vases and neat cat thingy decorations.

Me: ..... so...

HK: So...

Ah,  awkwardness. You never fail to make me seem stupid.

Me: Where are your brothers?

Hong Kong twitched.

HK: I don't know. Somewhere,  but hopefully not here.

Me: How many do you have?

HK: ..... well.... they're not ALL brothers..  well,  yeah- but I like... don't see them much as i-

Me: Answer the goddamn question.

HK: I actually lost count.

Me: ...... you lost count?

HK: Yeah. Some don't live here. Some do,  but never stay very often. The ones that don't live here come to stay for a while and then leave.  I just loose count after a while,  you know?

Me: No.

HK: .......

Me: ........did you notice that we're all alone?

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant