Thursday, June 15

326 28 16

Dear Diary:

Why are fidget spinners so expensive? I swear I'm gonna cry ;-; 

I still can't understand why Sealand has one and I don't like it's gonna be MY birthday soon, not his

Speaking about my birthday, everyone's talking about this "mountain" and I'm super stressed out because I don't want to spend valuable hours of my life climbing a stupid mountain who knows where

But I packed my backpack... I lowkey want to go but at the same time I don't. Does that make sense? It probably doesn't but what makes sense these days?

I don't really see the rest of the Nordics packing their stuff but I guess since it's a surprise (a ruined surprise tbh) they did it secretly and they're gonna tell me on the 17th


Also I don't know where the fuck Mr. Puffin is. I'm honestly concerned


Sorry for the shitty updates there's gonna be a few big chapters in a few days so bleeegh

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang