Tuesday, April 18

427 32 74

Dear Diary:

Mr. Puffin is a dick

He's a fat dick and I hate him he's so mean I want him to choke on a sausage and die

He pushed me out the window and locked the windows and every goddamn door in the house so I wouldn't get back in

It was very cold outside and nobody was home so I had to sleep outside in the rain wearing only a ripped sleeveless and some very very very very short shorts (I was about to sleep, OKAY?!)

That was yesterday

And now I'm sick as balls

Can't even move or I'll sneeze 45 times + 3 coughs

I feel horrible like I  just want to die ;-;

And everything's sticky and there's tissues everywhere and there's a few stuck on my face and it's just ewwww

Finland spilled soup on me again, also

This one was tomato soup. I had to lowkey lick it off the bed because we're that poor

It warmed my cold dead heart :3

So this is about everything I can write for today. I sneeze 30 times per word so


-Iceland (getting fucking tired of sneezing)

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ