-Part 2 Confirmed-

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Part 2 of what?

You may be asking


Part 2 of everything

Q&A part 2

And this diary part 2

I'll explain (if it isn't already f****** obvious)

Q&A Part 2

Exactly that. Leave more questions if you want. Ask anything. ANYTHING. You got until May or something because I'm going on vacation and won't be updating anything for 3 days or 4

Diary part 2

I actually DO want to write a second part of this diary, BUT, I don't want it to be Iceland anymore because I mean ya'll literally read over 100 chapters of just him and HIS side of the story (May I add that Iceland doesn't always tell the full truth. He exaggerates quite a bit, so maybe somebody else will tell the truth, or at least the half Iceland didn't tell)

So I was wondering...

Who's diary should it be?

It can be any of the current "main" characters, or those connected to Iceland. The plot will always be the same, but from another point of view

Or, it can be the diary of someone who rarely appears or someone who hasn't appeared EVER. New plot,  but the old one will be referenced every now and then

Of course, you got until the 199th chapter to decide

So yep- that's it

Also fite me I don't feel like editing the mistakes :v

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora